Dangers Mega Guide
Dangers Mega Guide For Beginners. Information for new players in one easy place.
The following information was gathered from personal knowledge and the Star Sonata Forums.
For any questions contact the author of this guide.
[hide]The Rules Of Star Sonata
There are many rules made to keep Star Sonata a fun and safe environment for all ages. There are some rules you can break that will get you banned from play such as: Racism, sexism, harassment, and real life threats. Some rules that you break will just get you muted, for example: Circumventing the swear filter via repeated misspelling, Switching to a alt to avoid a mute, All caps for a prolonged chat despite warning, Attacking a chat mod because of a mute (May result in a ban), English only, Advertising that you are buying or selling an account or credits (May result in ban), Talking about anything that has to do with hacking, Arguing about a warning or a mute, Only one post per 6 lines in trade chat. One other serious offense is exploiting a bug. If you exploit a bug you will get banned. If you follow these rules you won't have to worry about getting muted or banned from the game.
The Star Sonata Forums
The forums on the Star Sonata main site will be a big help to you. The admins on the game will post important update information and new events coming up. There is also a forum for Help, Suggestions, and Misc. Using The Lyceum Archives will typically be easier when trying to find information about the game. Be sure to follow all the rules (same as in-game) so you wont get in trouble.
Talking In The Chat Rooms
The Chat Rooms are as follows: All (meant for talking about anything), Trade (meant for talking about buying/trading/selling items only), Help (For levels 20 and under), Team (meant for talking to your team mates), Moderator (Only for moderator use), and Galaxy (you can only talk to people in the same galaxy). The more you talk on All Chat and Galaxy Chat people will get to know you. Be careful of what you say because it may affect your reputation. The one thing you really don't want is a bad reputation. People will most likely not trade with you, invite you to their team, or help you if you have a bad reputation. If people really don't like you they might even try to kill you.
Starting With Your New Account
Once you make your new account for the game and log in you will be in a ship called a Zebucart, and it will have an IonCannon (weapon), a FirstLine (shield), Core Power (energy), Coalfurnace (engine), and an escape pod. You will start off in a branch of The EarthForce Trading Outpost which is located in The Nexus sector. Your account will be level 0 when you start and you will be able to level it up to level 20 for free. You will need to pay to level above 20, get your class, and also to use different skills.
Getting To Know The Controls
Learning the controls to the game should be relatively easy. To shoot your weapon, push the Space Bar. To target an object, click on it (you will need to target the object to shoot it). To thrust, push the W key on your keyboard, to go left push the A key on your keyboard, and to go right push the D key on your keyboard. To scroll through all the objects visible by your radar, push the Tab button on your keyboard. To autopilot to an object, target it then push V on your keyboard. To use Astral Travel (an autopilot skill available in Sol) go to your map on the bottom left of the screen and double-click on the galaxy you want to go to (galaxy jumps must be equal to the astral travel skill you have).
Leveling Your Account
To level your account you will need to find an AI (computer-controlled ship) to kill. For you to gain XP, that AI will need to be at your level or above. The amount of XP you can get from a single kill is locked at a maximum of 510. You need 1000 XP to level up. Every time you level, you receive 5 skill points. Those skill points can be used to increase your skill levels (piloting, shielding, etc). Most skills will increase the amount of skill points needed for the next skill level as you raise it.
Starting Missions
To start a mission you will need to go to an AI Base (computer-controlled base). The missions that you can do will be listed under the General tab. Missions will get you rewards like items, XP, And credits. Some difficult missions have a level requirement before you can see them.
Making Money
The best way to make money as a low level is to kill things, scoop the drops, and sell them. Most items can be sold to an AI base. Some items you will have to sell to players and they are mostly going to be more valuable. When you get to a higher level, "capping" Infernos and selling their ship and gear will be good to make money. They sell for over 10 million credits at a hidden base in Glass Matrix. You will need RC 8 and Weaponry 6. To cap them you will need a radiation weapon and a Prismatic Conversion.
Joining A Team
When you just barely start, don't expect to get on a Top Ten team. They are all high levels and they wont be able to help you much. Join a team that does not recruit in Nexus (they always are inactive and wont be any help). More likely you are better off waiting before you join a team say around level 100-200 is a more appropriate time.
Choosing Your Class
For low to mid levels you should have your class set to drone master. It makes your drones stronger so you will be able to fight harder things and level faster. To choose your class you will need to start the mission in Sol. It is called Specialization. once you start it all you have to do go to a galaxy called Lyceum and dock at the main base and complete the mission. Once you complete the mission more will pop up. Those are the types of classes. If you want to be a drone master choose support. Follow the instructions on the mission windows and you will have 1 support focus skill. After you get that skill go dock at the Locus Of support or what ever base you chose your skill for and choose what you want. In Support Focus you will need engineer to get drone mastery.
Is the Lyceum Archives a scam for passwords?
No. The Lyceum Archives is a safe place to get information.
Is Scamming against the rules?
No, But it will earn you a spot on the scammer list so everybody can see.
I can't find the type of ship I want at an AI base, where do I get it?
You will need to buy it from a player or go to a special AI base.
How do I become a Mod/Greeter?
You will need to talk to a admin. You need to be trustworthy and have lots of information about the game.
How do I contact a admin?
Use the forums or send a support ticket. Support Tickets
I forgot my password. What do I do?
Go to the forums and click log in. You should see a link under the password box. Click on it and it will send the password to your email.
How do I PM someone?
In event type /w "Persons Username" then the message you want to send. Must be in that format.