Current events/News
[hide]Zombie Rat Invasion
They're back! A major outbreak of zombie rat plague has occured, as the Undead Rat Broodmother commands her forces to move out of the Plaguespace and scourge the universe once again. Although subtle at first, the invasion rapidly grows out of proportion as more and more Space Cheeses become corrupted bastions of the Undead. Earthforce urges every capable captain to take part in combating the zombie mobs, before the entire universe becomes engulfed in a sickly green cloud of Undeath, which would undoubtedly impact tourism and cause property values to go down.
The New Emperor
All hail the new emperor, Hermes of team pantalones! Having built his palace in Anatolia, he and his team have successfully completed an emperor run. Despite heavy opposition by many players, pantalones managed to choose an advantageous time when there was no one in Sol to launch an attack to spoil the crowning.
Even with their victory, however, several team members clashed with administrators on the forums, complaining (or rather, whining) about how their stars were removed. The admins, however, won, and pantalones did not retrieve their stars that they had made so much noise about.
Here's to another team leader that becomes emperor!
Halloween Event
Its here!!! The admins have released the new halloween event for this year. Drops include rat kittens, pumpkins, ETC. You can find rotting space cheese in sol.
Chat Client
The new chat client has been released. Find out more on the Starsonata Forums.
~ Danger
No More Serenities?
It seems that our friend the Mad Scientist of Lunacy has done something that may affect the entire universe! He has stopped production on his famed *Serenity* class spaceship. No news on whether he plans to continue or not as every time I sit down to talk with him he starts mumbling about how his next invention will knock our socks off. Also, in other news, the universe is now 50% bigger. Scientists think it is due to the holy space gods Atlum, JeffL and Caelestis pulling at the fabric of space and time.
Space Reporter Thyme, Signing off.
~End Transmission~
- 21:07 (gmt+1)
From the front: there have been rollbacks every 30 minutes for the past day. No admin has been found for comment.
Further info: 15 minutes of downtime, then 15 minutes up, then 15 minutes down, 15 minutes up, etc.
-voyager vs borg, fedor
Augmenter Collapse! - As has been happening of late, another extremely odd and extremely hard to explain incident has taken place. This time, it was something rather benefical though, as most augmenters have mysteriously collapsed and have had their sizes reduced by up to 200%. Although no explaination has been offered by any of the researchers and scientists I have interviewed, most see this as a very fortunate event, as their vital augments no longer dominate massive sections of their hull. More to be posted as this event develops, or at the very least is researched and explained.
Also in recent news, Lyceum has drastically altered the capabilities of a very useful Neuro Tweak that they provided to all Merchants in the universe. I have yet to contact a representitive from this group of enlightment and knowledge, but many pilots across the universe are quite steamed to say the least.
- From the Front
All of the strange events, buffs and nerfs that took place can be explained in Jeff_L's weekly update, details found [here].
The Augmenter sizing changes are found in a post by Atlum found [here].
Finally, Star Sonata is holding a Myspace Friends contest! That means anyone who has a myspace that will add Star Sonata as a friend and include their ingame username has a chance to win a Faranji Wingship! Details can be found [here].
Signing off and hopefully will find more news to report (Space Rats stuck in Wormholes is hardly news and probably the most exciting thing that has happened as of recent times) Nocturnalypso 16:26, 6 October 2006 (PDT)