Colony Pumping
Many of these guides are old. Even though the prices may not be accurate anymore, the basic principles are still very useful.
[hide]Bizman's Guide
A new small colony buys peasants for a lot. An old/large colony sells peasants for cheap. Set large colony trading bay to buy peasants for the price that the colony tab shows next to "peasants" and set the small colony base to sell peasants for a price just under its colony tab prive for peasants. A 6Bil 100% colony will sell peasants from 28-46 credits (depending on CA level) and a new 100% colony will buy peasants for 300 credits. If you buy 250,000 at 50 crrdits and sell them at 300 that is 250,000*250 = 62,500,000 prift per 2 hours. As the new colony grows however the price it buys for drops. You have to continually adjust your sell price to what the ever-increasing colony will buy for. It will also buy fewer and fewer peasants. 250,000 at 250ish profit is a common starting point, 100,000 peasants at 75 profit is about where it becomes unprofitable.
Once a colony hits 1bil+ you can expect to see it grow exponentially and become unprifitalbe to pump. Then you sell it commods. Baobobs and Crack Whores sell roughly 25,000 every two hours at a 400 price to a 100% planet. Learning the price curves on each commod is part of the excercise or experience though. The galaxy you get depends on how many commods you will sell, etc. Even metals are profitable if sold to four 100% planets over time. With CA20, a 125% planet is considerably more lucrative than a 101% planet.
If you need a more detailed approach PM me in game and I'll try to get on vent.
Tarik's Guide
2 Levi bots is sufficient to haul 250k peasents per hour (which is about how many peasents a 125% suit colony will buy at max pumping speed) within 1 gal from your Full 6bil+ main colony to your smaller pumping colony.
Initially the small colony will only buy a few thousand each our for the first few hours. with CA20 on a 125% suitable planet the peasents will be worth 375 for about teh first 5 days. Then its important that you regularly "track" the pumping colonies peasent buying price as it will begin to fall the more you sell to it.
If you manage this correctly (keeping the price 5 below the buying price) you will stand to make around 6 bil + credits over teh 3 week pumping period for a 125% planet.
So how do you start the very first colony?
Set your levi bots and any other bots you have to buy peasents from teh ai bases at the start of the uni and sell them to your best suitability planet. Once this gets to about 30 million population it becomes self sufficient and wont grow much faster if you pump it. Make sure you do not sell anything other than peasents to the colony until it is at 6bil+ population as this will detriment its growth rate.
Then just set it to sell peasents to your colony base for slightly more than the sell price. and begin pumping as explained above.
NOBODY's Guide
Version. 4
Nobody’s Colony Guide
First of All, this is team privileged Information. I will be sending other versions to other teammates who don’t need this information cause of there low levels or that are new to the team. So when you get, Pm for questions.
Takeover 101:
Scenario A: Getting Ready for New Universe.
- You will not make money or make less money if you don’t have: EE alt, a CA alt and a Fighter Alt.
- EE alt and CA alt should be about the same level for defenses purposes.
- You’re going to need Leviathan bots. Get RC 16 for all of your chars. You will need at least 4 levs but more is better. These bots are critical for success. Bulks, mastiffs and many small bots “Do not cut it”. You’re going to need Levs and you’re going to need about 4. If you don’t have levis, Big Roswell’s work too, with slipstream, good caps & Hermes. Example: 2 good caps, Hermes.
- You need 500-1bil of money. Since your learning, expect a lot of Overhead.
- You will need 20-100k Rations and about 20k metal. Put in a Thatch.
- You will need the bare Necessities of Base building. Even though they are small, without them, you could be facing Failure. Make sure you have Station Extensions, Trade Bays and Transidoms Extensions.
- Compact Colony BP, Buy in earth planet in sol. Buy 10 for good measure.
- Hydros – Might make the difference of survival. 200 workers per Hydro.
- Orb Drones – A must have for claiming a Galaxy. Make sure you can deploy on you scout ship.
- Remember Galaxy Claiming is Fierce, if you find a decent gal ….drop drones already. The longer you try to find a better gal…. the less and less you will have one. Don’t be greedy or you will pay for it. This universe, all the good gals were claimed in under 20minutes. Keep that in mind.
- What’s a Good gal? You are looking for planets with water. Don’t focus on commods. You don’t need Baobabs to make billions. Hell, you don’t even need nuke. You gotta stop thinking nooby and start thinking ahead. Your not making money of commodes, your making money of pumping. I have not sold commods this entire universe, and I’ve made over 50b+ and still making money. So when looking for gals, quickly skim over the planets and if you see a gal with a lot of water… For god sake. Take it.
Scenario B: I found a great galaxy… so im going to start building.
Ok, you drop your drones and basically have conquered it for Mercenaries. What do you do next?
1. Drop the Drones and kill all of the AI. Next you scan it and find the best Metal Planet you can get and build your Construction Base. Equip your Starter Colony bp and make a colony pronto. Claim the Galaxy. (Why don’t I build a colony on a ration planet?) – Ration planets makes good colonies and you will waste the age colony if you build on it. (Age – The longer a colonies age is … the fewer peasants it buys, Remember).
2. Do not set your base to sell rations to colony! That colony is to claim galaxy and should die later. Do not make the mistake of selling all your rations to the colony, killing your base.
Remember, the colony on the metal planet is temporary and is only used to claim
The galaxy. Always make sure this temp colony is alive till you’re done with it.
3. Ok, you built a pretty defensive metal base. Hopefully it’s a good base with 2 fire/ 2 range. Now we build the first Permanent Colony, Find the Slowest Planet with the Highest Suitability. (Suitability chart below). We need slow planet so we can have the levs dock and undock with no problem. Build the Base first, then when you have it augged and ready with 200-300k space. You’re ready for colony building.
4. 1ST Colony: Here is where you need your money and bots. Put about 200m in the base. Get your compact Bp and equip into the base. This is where your 60k-100k rations/Metals come in. I want you to make 12-15 compact colonies on that single base!! So your population on the Colony is about 40k-50k when construction is done. Buy your peasants from an AI Base. (I want the Construction to be done on the 10-15 construction simultaneously so you don’t waste you age on you Colony). Once your colony is done, you really gotta start moving to not waste your colony’s age. Now you have to pump it.
Find an Ai station and set your levs to buy and sell to your base.
- AI station Sells Peasants for 300.
- Set you base to buy peasants 3creds higher then AI base.
- Set your base to sell peasants to colony 3 credits lower then colony Price.
- Put all your levs into it. With this setup you base will lose money on the base but not on the bots. The colony will buy Peasants, so you will not lose as much money as you think you will.
- Clean out as many bases as you can on that 1 planet.
Pumping 101:
Scenario A: Ok, my colony is now about 5.5bil. What do I do now NOBODY?
- Your Main colony should have about 1 million or more Free Space for Peasants.
- Cap your colony with an EE alt. Doing this you will make the peasant price plummet even more up to 30-40%.
- After you cap that colony, I want you to buy peasants at the colony price. Example: The price is 31 per peasant. Set base to buy at 31 / Sell at 32. Max the Buy Max 9999999999999. This way the colony won’t buy back the peasants if you set the sell price 1 more then the buy price. Also, since you have set the base to 32 to sell, your base will never run out of money since it is selling it to bots 1 more then its buying.
- After your 1st colony is done, start colonies on the planets with the suitability of 90%+. (Only do 1 or 2 planets first, to test how much your bots can haul, your target should be over 150k per colony year). You are wasting your time with planets with fewer than 90% suitability. I know this by personal experience.
- Start with only 1 or 2 planets to pump. Again because your bots should transport over 150k+ peasants per colony year. If you build too many colonies to pump and your bots can’t keep up with demand (Getting only less then 150k per year), you loss money, due to it aging. Remember, this is not a race. Doing it slow and steady will earn you more money then rushing it. If you don’t have the bots capacity, do only 1 planet then. There is plenty of time in the universe, so do not rush it because of greed. If you do, you will lose more money not pumping a planet to the maximum.
- Ok, you made a colony on the planet you want to pump. Set prices as follows: Example - Peasant price is 304. Set the sell price at 300 and set the buy price at 33(Following #3(Scenario 3)). This way setting it to 33, bots do not lose money and the cost goes all the way back to the main 1st colony.
- Overview: 1st colony(X) – Peasant price at 31. Buy at 31/ Sell at 32 (Buy Max at 99999999999999). 2nd Colony (the one your pumping)(Y) – Peasant price at 304. Set sell at 300 and buy at 33. So bots(S) never runs out of money
- Money flow
- Colony X starts of with 20m money.
- X buys peasants at 31.
- X sells to bots at 32, replenishing money on the base.
- Bot sells to Y at 33, replenishing bot's money.
- Colony Y buys at 33 and sells at 300, making a profit of 267 per peasant.
Misc Information:
- When you switch the main colony to EE, it won’t really buy commods. So selling commodes to it is a waste of time and your bots power should concentrate on pumping or important ration hauling like rations. The real purpose is to plummet the peasant price by 30-40% for pumping. I was told and have used only EE char to plummet the peasant price. Not sure if another class can do it also or change it at the same price.
- You do not have to sell rations on colonies to make it grow, IF the suitability is 101% or higher.
- Selling Commods: This is not as hard as it seems. I only sell commodes after a colony is pumped to the max or the main colony is not used for pumping anymore, and then recap it as CA. CA colonies will sell more then a Non CA colony due to the higher Suitability. 2 CA bases on 1 planet will not affect suitability, but 1 CA and an EE base will lower it. Selling commodes is not as hard as it seems:
- The higher you price the commod over the colony price, the less they buy.
- The lower you price the commod under the colony price, the more they buy.
- You have to test. Either sell at high price, sell a few and make money or sell below price and sell many for money.
- For the 101% planets, pumping seem to stop/ wear out at 200m+. For 125% planets, pumping seem to stop about 800m+. Both about 1 to 2 weeks reach.
- I highly recommend that your Metal Base and Main colony be tech 18’s(Achilles laser-Adaman shield/energy is fine till you get better) supporting each other, with the colonies your pumping around them with ambro lasers. I put the best augs on the tech 18’s. I would go with my combo of 2 ares / 2 ambro/adaman range. For bases always go with 2 fire augs / 2 range augs. The strategy is, the Ambro lasers grem and the Achilles lasers kill.
- Bases: Should have Adonis Surgical Plates, Ace Pest Control, and Artemis Longbows if you can afford. If the gal is unowned, Achilles mags are the way to go for base busting abilities.
Fast Building 101:
Assuming you have dropped drones and claimed the gal.
1. 1st base should be metal base. In your DF/Behemoth you should have.
- 10 station Expansion units
- 100 workers
- 4000 rations
- 3100 peasants
- 1000 metal
- Starter Colony bp ( needs 3k peasants – 3k rations – 500metal)
- Adonis Shield, Energy , Radar, Laser
- Ace Pest Control
- 500-1000 nuke
- 5+ Transidom Extensions.
- Your base kit.
- Hydroponics and Mre
- Trade Bay
2. Building time!!
- Drop base, make it team.
- Put 20 workers on the base.
- Put all 10 Stations Extensions on and equip
- Put 1 Transidom and equip
- Put all Transidoms and equip.
- Put base gear, trading bay and equip.
- Put the remaining gear and commodes and equip.
- Equip the Starter colony BP, and build colony
- Own the Galaxy
- Go back to ai base and Upgrade the base with bigger Base Gear.
- Coming back. I recommend getting healing guns.
I can do all this in less than 5 minutes. I usually bring more peasants and rations however so my colony is bigger. Therefore longer too die and I have more time to set up the first permanent colony base.
Suitability Table
On my alts that are base characters, you can usually have all the skills from 350-375. However, for your merchant you will need p20 so level 500.
- SM 20
- STM 20
- Program 15-25
- Drone Development 16-20
- RC 16
- EQ 12-16
- Shield 16
- W16
Make sure you can Max your Masteries Like EE/CA.
This is just a draft on what you’ll need before you switch over to SM.
End July, 2006
Tg's Guide
To make a colony that works there are a few things required,
STAGE 1 - the setup stage
we shall begin by Finding the right location, this - location needs the following: 2 Planets, with Suitability 100% each - The amount of resources and ruins do not matter. However, Space oats and some Nuclear Waste is desired. So, we have set up one base on each planet, with some guards on moons, stationary or whatever. Make them tech 16+ and make them have 1 million+ hull each.
Stage 2 - The colony stage
Ok, lets call the Planets 'Planet A and 'Planet B', build a colony on Planet A, but don't build a colony on planet B. Now sell peasants cheaply to Planet A until it has a population of about 1-5million, then leave the bases. (but dont forget Rations and Nuclear Waste, otherwise they will die!)Ok, now the colony will grow as such:
1/2 Suitability x 0.04% of the population every colony year (or 2 hours)
Wait until it has a size of 6billion peasants - Note: the colony growth slows down after this. Set up another colony on Planet B. Ok, now peasants will be a cool cheap price of about 20 or 30 each on Planet A... lNow, buy them, buy them all! Get lots of bot ships buying peasants and shipping them over to Planet B, start to sell the peasants to Planet B for 300, maybe 400 credits each! Just imagine it! Millions of peasants Flowing, making 375 credits profit on each! Now just sit back and count the money rolling in.
Note: 2 planets with 100% suitability will bring in 15-30billion with this system.
So who needs ruins!!!
- Tg
Pete's Guide
LC Team Colony Guide
~Things you need to know: Always sell a colony rations, Never sell rations over the colony's price, And NEVER stop taking care of it unless you want it to die ~
1) Find a planet (not moon) with a reasonable amount of space oats ,nuclear waste, and a suitability percent above 90% (If you aren't CA, if you are go for anything about 65%) --- Calculate the suitability here ~Thanks to Pantalones.
2) Build a well defended base (Ambro+ a MUST!) Make sure this base has about 1million space or more (1,000,000+)
3) Start to get large amounts of rations through the planet
4) Build a colony using one of the many BPs available, sell rations to the colony at about 10 each (This is profit by itself if you harvested the rations yourself)
5) Buy peasants off of ai base (Prices do NOT matter unless you are too cheap)
5) Sell those peasants to the colony at a price lower then the colony buys for (Say it buys for 350, sell the peasants to it for 340 or so)
6) Stop selling it peasants at about 200,00,000 population
7) Wait a few days until the colony grows to 1,000,000,000 population
8) At that time buy peasants from the colony. Usually at this time the peasant price has hit about 150 or so, buy for about 10 above whatever price the price is at
9) Repeat step 1 through 4 with another planet
10) Sell the peasants you are buying off colony 1 to colony 2. This is where you get the profits from
11) Continue selling peasants until you aren't making any profit, then find repeat steps 9-10
-Colonies make you lose money at the beginning but once you start selling peasants to the second colony you make back whatever you lost plus about 15-20 bil.
-Colonies take time, don't be impatient, you will be rewarded
-If you don't get something PM me (Peter_The_Puller)