UrQa'qa Vazuk Vo'kii
Previously known as the UrQa'qa Qu'ishi.
Also known as the Bana King or simply BK, the UrQa'qa Vazuk Vo'kii is an Uber whose power is rivalled by few in Star Sonata. This UrQa dreadnought is capable of destroying entire squads without a scratch.
The UrQa'qa Vazuk Vo'kii roams the Kalthi Depths, whose presence is announced by Paxian Explorers when it spawns, similarly to the spawn and kill shouts of Timotheus the Red.
In addition to being a roaming boss, a dungeon version lays claim to Akuq'ba in the far reaches of Kalthi Depths.
Defeating UrQa'qa Vazuk Vo'kii yields various highly coveted UrQa technology, including weapons like the Ukukuu Quu, powerful Qa'ik augmenters, and the blueprint to construct the player version of its ship: the UrQa'qa Qu'ishi Qa.
Boss Behaviour
Once BK encounters an opponent, a 15 minute timer begins, in which players must defeat the boss before time runs out - or it completely regenerates its health and releases an energy pulse that kills all enemies in the system. Several waves of guards that must be killed for the boss clear will spawn to assist BK as it reaches certain health stages - at roughly 85%, 60%, 40%, and 20%.
When the fight begins, BK will attack the weakest target in the arena. Bots or fragile squad members like light fighters may be the first to go down if a capable tank does not quickly step in to draw its aggro.
BK has two types of conventional weapons it will fire throughout the fight: a slow moving, three-shot heat pulse that can bounce several times between targets, and a full-tracking, extremely high range heat beam that can wither down targets attempting to evade it.
Several of BK's threats appear as periodic supers.
The first super repeats throughout the fight every 30 seconds, and is an array of non-tracking heat beams that gradually grows in range and damage as it fires up.
The start of the fight at around ~90% shields ushers in a guard which projects a large and extremely durable envelopment around itself and orbits around BK. The guard itself is also extremely durable, and respawns shortly if it is killed. Throughout the fight, maneuvering and aiming around this shield or switching to radiation (ethereal) or area-of-effect weapons is necessary to damage BK and progress.
In the first mandatory guard spawn at ~85% shields, BK spawns four light fighters -- Baniq Ishi'qii -- similar in appearance to Panthers, but UrQa-like. These periodically release high-damage, area-of-effect heat blasts that can quickly obliterate clusters of players that are caught off guard by their chase. When alive, BK gains a high resistance bonus, and these guards must be killed in order for BK to be cleared.
Somewhere around 75% shields is BK's first use of its combined radial super, in which it slows down, launches a ring of forced-turning gremming, RoF-reducing pulses, and eight purple lightning orbs that periodically damage targets nearby. Any target caught in the dead centre very likely faces a fiery death, so watching out for the tell-tale slowdown is important for avoiding high damage.
Around this shield gate is where BK begins to launch a swarm of fighters, which slowly circle around and bite at targets with heat beams.
At 60% shields, two massive guards that look like Qokuji'qis will spawn. These are very durable, and share the same high-range, full tracking heat beam that can quickly melt down fragile targets. They also periodically fire V-shaped sprays of heat pulses in front of them, which requires players to position directly in front of them to dodge the sprays. When alive, BK gains a high resistance bonus, and these guards must be killed in order for BK to be cleared.
Around 50% shields is a fairly troublesome phase for the less agile: BK begins to launch salvos of high speed missiles that fly in straight lines, but can stop and refocus on their target twice before detonating. They also launch a spray of heat pulses at a short distance in front of them, meaning they can attack without directly making contact with their target. In the event of contact with the missile or this heat spray, several seconds of 10k/s shield degeneration is applied, which cuts through damage resistances that would otherwise mitigate conventional attacks.
40% shields triggers another combined radial super and once again summons the two Qokuji'qi-like guards, but this time, they gain the same resistance bonus when within close proximity of BK. To kill these guards, they must be drawn away from BK in order to strip this resistance bonus. When alive, BK gains a high resistance bonus, and these guards must be killed in order for BK to be cleared.
The final 20% shields of BK is the most brutal experience the UrQa have to offer -- two more mobile envelopment guards join the fray to make hitting BK even more difficult, and the combined radial super now occurs every ~20 seconds. The comparatively benign three-shot and heat beam is swapped out for a much more aggressive heat beam that BK fires at targets within its frontal ~60 degrees. Area-of-effect and radiation weapons are highly recommended for this final phase, as it is otherwise extremely difficult to deal any damage to BK through the three envelopments and constant grem pulses. The squad's tank benefits from staying behind BK as much as possible to avoid the face-melting frontal beams, so mobility tools such as micro-warpers, tweaks like Blitz Turbos, or mobility super-items provide great utility in this final struggle.
Drops directly as an item
Drops as a blueprint
- Ships
- UrQa'qa Qu'ishi Qa (Blueprint) -
- UrQa'qa Qu'ishi Qa (Blueprint) -
- Augmenters
- Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj -
- Qa'ik Urk'qii Akk'oj -
- Qa'ik Vazuk Akk'oj -
- Qa'ik Banu Akk'oj -
- Weapons
- Jiqaz'Uu qa -
- Ukukuu Quu -
- Jiqaz'Uu qa -
- Shield
- UrQa Qa'Uka Juju
- UrQa Qa'Uka Juju
- Items
- (Overloader) UrQa Ukuk'qa -
- (Diffuser) Uka Uzu Qi'oj -
- (Capacitor) Aku Qui'Oj -
- (Cloak) UrQa KoQuii Qa'ik -
- (Overloader) UrQa Ukuk'qa -
- Commodities
- Tarnished Imperial Chest -
- Kalthi Depths Wreckage Trove (5x) -
- Perilium -
- Urko UrQa'qa -
- UrQa Kasa Akuk'oj Ukoq Container -
- Tarnished Imperial Chest -