Alien Invasion
The following content was originally posted on the star sonata website on November 16th, 2012. You can find the article here: Content Sneek Preview
[hide]A New Threat to Earthforce – Aliens!
I’m sure rumors have been circulating as to what the next major content update would bring. More UrQa, the Ancient Races, evil Paxians, Super Pirates, Space Ninjas? Really, there are countless possibilities. However, we’ve decided to forgo all of those and instead focus on something bigger than any of those threats… Alien Invasions!
Yes, tech 22 is going to be alien themed and I have been hard at work the past few months bringing it all to life. This update will include a new map layer, the Subspace Dimension, with a new race of organic aliens to inhabit it. It will include nearly 100 missions that all take place in subspace for players starting at level 125. It will also have all new bosses using new mechanics that grant tech 22 skills. But perhaps most importantly, it will finally introduce Alien Invasions to Star Sonata.
Subspace Alien Lore
There are Paxian legends, handed down over many generations, of a species so powerful even the malevolent and fierce UrQa dared not engage them for fear of utter and total annihilation. Long have many passed these tales off as myth -- but no longer can they doubt. The Aveksaka have been awakened.
Having lain dormant for eons, the once peaceful Aveksaka have begun to stir. Extended use of Juxtapositions and other subspace shortcuts have begun to rip the very fabric of their dimension. Entire star systems have been pulled into Subspace through these tears -- polluting what once was an alien sanctuary.
Their home defiled, their way of life upended, the Aveksaka see only one course of action to restore their dimension to its natural state -- destroy the universe.
New Map Layer: Subspace Dimension
The new map layer is a zone consisting of roughly 400 randomly generated galaxies intended for players levels 125 and up. This layer is host to many new features and additions to Star Sonata. Firstly, and perhaps the most noticeable is the new Subspace layer generation. Unlike normal random generation used for the bulk of a normal universe, Subspace uses its own generation procedures. This ensures Subspace is markedly different from the rest of the universe and contains its own unified look and feel. This includes things like the unified Subspace background, subspace anomalies and gravity wells, destroyed and phasing planets and even new asteroid types.
File:Subspace system.png
Perhaps not as noticeable at first, but also entirely new, is Subspaces unique layer shape. Unlike the rest of the layers created during universe generation that use circular, spiral or polygonal shapes, Subspace uses a new flower shape. This accomplishes a few things. One, it gives players of different levels their own designated areas to do mission content and participate in invasions. Two, it adds to the unique look and feel of the Subspace Dimension.
File:Subspace map.png
As you can see, Subspace is going to be a very different place than your normal universe.
Mission Content: Allied Offensive
With an update this large it was important for me to ensure as many players as possible could experience the invasions and new subspace layer – so I targeted the bulk of the mission content at lower level players. After all, end game players are going to be more interested in clearing the new instances! There are five new chains total, each representing an arc in an overall story detailing a joint offensive into subspace to halt the alien threat, starting at level 125. It starts with an Earthforce Exploratory Campaign into Subspace (L:125), followed by a Lyceum Research Mission (L:250), Blue Photon Research and Development (L:350), a second Earthforce Assault (L:500) and finally Paxian and Allied assault missions against the most devilish aliens Subspace can offer (L:1000+).
File:Subspace BPMORK.png
Tech 22 Skills: New Bosses, Mechanics and Loot
Tech 22 skills will be available from the moment the content patch is pushed. We will be returning to the pre-Olympus style of skill upgrading – that is you kill the boss, someone gets a skill. No more shard grinding! This also means we’ll be putting longer lockouts on the instances -- but fear not, there will be six instances with a shared total of 10-12 bosses! All of these bosses are brand new and many are utilizing new mechanics created specifically for them and are tuned to be extremely challenging.
With new bosses and a new tech level unlocked, we will be releasing plenty of new, alien themed loot to go with them! This will include alien ship upgrades, self-damaging and self-healing weapons as well as high-regen gear sets. We will also be adding alien upgrades for some current items!
Alien Invasions, PvP and Resources
The last major feature of this update will be Alien Invasions! These are set periods during which large numbers of aliens will spawn in the subspace layer and attempt to capture galaxies. Players will have plenty of incentive to fight them off – in the form of item rewards, experience and credits. More importantly perhaps, the alien progress will have a direct and noticeable effect in the normal universe.
File:Subspace aliens.png
The new layer will also be a PvP zone, similar to Perilous Space and we will be providing plenty of incentives for PvP there. There are multiple galaxies where rare resources needed to build new gear can be found. These resources only spawn during predictable limited windows -- meaning you better be ready to defend your claim to them!
There will also be a bevy of common new resources located in subspace. New resources like Nanosilicon, Thalaron Radiation and Coesite can be mined from asteroid fields or found as drops from aliens during invasions. Others might come from the alien and Terran debris fields peppered across the dimension. Subspace will be filled with resources to plunder.