AI empires
From Starsonata Wiki
AI Empires are native factions to wildspace which hold their own territory which they actively develop as the universe progresses.
There are currently four empires generated, each with unique base conventions and HQ galaxies. Each empire's space is subject to increased tier zero commodities and colony commodities in a radius around their HQ, as well as a predetermined amount of extractor slots for a specific tier three commodity within their HQ system.
[hide]Imperial Zaphragi Empire
HQ: Paradise with 12 extractors worth of adamantium
Corrupted Cyborg Empire
HQ: Scorpius with 18 extractors worth of platinum
Kalthi Empire
HQ: Citadel with 14 extractors worth of dark matter
Moonfighter Empire
HQ: Dorado with 12 extractors worth of energon