Space Clouds

Players Ranked By

  • Player Score

    Combined player score.

  • Glory


  • Missions

    Missions completed.

  • Exploration

    One point is awarded to the first player to explore each galaxy.

  • Credits Scooped

    Total credits scooped.

  • Mining

    Total value of mined commodities.

  • Micron Race

    Fastest time around the Blue Course in Micron.

  • Boss Kills

    When a boss is killed, the player is awarded the boss' level in boss kill points.

  • Level


  • Speed Demon

    Highest level as Speed Demon.

  • Seer

    Highest level as Seer.

  • Berserker

    Highest level as Berserker.

  • Sniper

    Highest level as Sniper.

  • Shield Monkey

    Highest level as Shield Monkey.

  • Engineer

    Highest level as Engineer.

  • Gunner

    Highest level as Gunner.

  • Fleet Commander

    Highest level as Fleet Commander.

  • Overall
  • Levels

Scoreboard updated Dec-29 at 11:54 (2 hours 51 minutes ago).

Player 24H Gain
961 st
nerd of the century [ Fearsome ]
Officer of Aidelon.
962 nd
chrissyboy22 [ Dangerous ]
Operator of Aidelon.
963 rd
Shannow [ Competent ]
Councilor of The Hand.
964 th
Leroy's bank [ Middling ]
Officer of WHO.
965 th
Kiss of the Dragon [ Harmless ]
Director of Patriots.
966 th
Dr. T [ Harmless ]
Director of Wraiths.
967 th
Tweety [ Mediocre ]
Officer of New World Order.
968 th
9993 [ Poor ]
Peon within StK.
969 th
Frac O Mac [ Harmless ]
Director of Dark Crusaders.
970 th
Calypso the Omnisicant [ Harmless ]
Operator of Dirty Mafia.
971 st
Im a Crazy Fool [ Shodan ]
Director of 1 Man Team.
972 nd
h1464653468 [ Master ]
Director of stretchgang.
973 rd
g unit489 [ Ludicrous ]
974 th
CD-R [ Poor ]
Peon within WOLVERINES.
975 th
Marg [ Elite ]
Officer of Imperium.
976 th
Elk [ Mediocre ]
Director of Cerulean Knights.
977 th
Snix [ Mostly Harmless ]
Director of Twinz.
978 th
flo02 [ Elite ]
979 th
floflo02 [ Middling ]
Councilor of Shades of Death.
980 th
floflo93 [ Meijin ]
981 st
flo27 [ Poor ]
Director of Dirty Mafia.
982 nd
The Tobal [ Supreme ]
Officer of Imperium.
983 rd
Nobus [ Imperial ]
Officer of Eminence Front.
984 th
EricTheRed7 [ Middling ]
Director of The Mercenary Guild.
985 th
Tinky Winky [ Master ]
Officer of Ace Corp.
986 th
Princess Dave [ Elite ]
Director of WHO.
987 th
Ltn. Bird [ Respectable ]
Soldier of Vanu Sovereignty.
988 th
Earthborn [ Reasonable ]
Director of WOLVERINES.
989 th
Hero of the day [ Mediocre ]
Officer of soul release.
990 th
Hacksaw [ Reasonable ]
Officer of Progress.
991 st
High Voltage [ Harmless ]
Director of Everything or Nothing.
992 nd
....... [ Champ ]
Councilor of Bromance.
993 rd
Zaber 0 [ Destroyer ]
Officer of Bromance.
994 th
redalert150 [ Juggernaut ]
995 th
Reverend Jesse Custer [ Destroyer ]
Officer of Ace Corp.
996 th
Jehuety [ Master ]
Officer of Bromance.
997 th
Cheese_God [ Reasonable ]
Councilor of Bromance.
998 th
Machupa [ Mediocre ]
Officer of Lupine Ind.
999 th
evilman50 [ Imperial ]
1000 th
underlord [ Olympian ]
Peon within Eminence Front.