Space Clouds

Players Ranked By

  • Player Score

    Combined player score.

  • Glory


  • Missions

    Missions completed.

  • Exploration

    One point is awarded to the first player to explore each galaxy.

  • Credits Scooped

    Total credits scooped.

  • Mining

    Total value of mined commodities.

  • Micron Race

    Fastest time around the Blue Course in Micron.

  • Boss Kills

    When a boss is killed, the player is awarded the boss' level in boss kill points.

  • Level


  • Speed Demon

    Highest level as Speed Demon.

  • Seer

    Highest level as Seer.

  • Berserker

    Highest level as Berserker.

  • Sniper

    Highest level as Sniper.

  • Shield Monkey

    Highest level as Shield Monkey.

  • Engineer

    Highest level as Engineer.

  • Gunner

    Highest level as Gunner.

  • Fleet Commander

    Highest level as Fleet Commander.

  • Overall
  • Levels

Scoreboard updated Dec-27 at 23:54 (5 hours 33 minutes ago).

Player 24H Gain
14841 st
Oroboris [ Pathetic ]
14842 nd
ClendeTR [ Poor ]
14843 rd
Tyranny [ Harmless ]
Peon within Zygort Traders.
14844 th
shlork [ Mostly Harmless ]
14845 th
stalker99699 [ Poor ]
14846 th
Flare Arlgrande Jioral [ Destroyer ]
Officer of Star Revolution X.
14847 th
raceman2000 [ Harmless ]
14848 th
PurpleForest [ Competent ]
Soldier of Silver Sun.
14849 th
quad [ Pathetic ]
14850 th
Vaterik [ Poor ]
14851 st
VERSES [ Poor ]
14852 nd
ArccTreeXx [ Pathetic ]
14853 rd
Tortoise [ Poor ]
14854 th
Multibeast [ Harmless ]
14855 th
Obeec [ Poor ]
14856 th
The Slim Reaper [ Pathetic ]
14857 th
DrdPyrtRbrts [ Mostly Harmless ]
14858 th
Buzzard AC [ Pathetic ]
14859 th
Rathner [ Poor ]
14860 th
Grubble [ Mostly Harmless ]
14861 st
Lemys [ Harmless ]
14862 nd
HappyDay [ Ferocious ]
Operator of Silver Sun.
14863 rd
Lickemstick [ Poor ]
14864 th
RedForest [ Middling ]
14865 th
Ezrael [ Poor ]
14866 th
Crasav4uk [ Poor ]
14867 th
DEVVRAT [ Pathetic ]
14868 th
Wunderkind [ Decent ]
14869 th
Dadamanturized [ Poor ]
14870 th
MatriMommy [ Pathetic ]
14871 st
Mezzy [ Harmless ]
14872 nd
dat [ Poor ]
14873 rd
nicki [ Poor ]
14874 th
pepepepepe [ Dangerous ]
14875 th
14876 th
FumerTue [ Harmless ]
14877 th
Pancaked [ Harmless ]