Space Clouds

Players Ranked By

  • Player Score

    Combined player score.

  • Glory


  • Missions

    Missions completed.

  • Exploration

    One point is awarded to the first player to explore each galaxy.

  • Credits Scooped

    Total credits scooped.

  • Mining

    Total value of mined commodities.

  • Micron Race

    Fastest time around the Blue Course in Micron.

  • Boss Kills

    When a boss is killed, the player is awarded the boss' level in boss kill points.

  • Level


  • Speed Demon

    Highest level as Speed Demon.

  • Seer

    Highest level as Seer.

  • Berserker

    Highest level as Berserker.

  • Sniper

    Highest level as Sniper.

  • Shield Monkey

    Highest level as Shield Monkey.

  • Engineer

    Highest level as Engineer.

  • Gunner

    Highest level as Gunner.

  • Fleet Commander

    Highest level as Fleet Commander.

  • Overall
  • Levels

Scoreboard updated Dec-28 at 11:54 (8 hours 4 minutes ago).

Player 24H Gain
14561 st
Josemaria [ Pathetic ]
14562 nd
Hermes Araujo [ Harmless ]
14563 rd
Spunkys [ Harmless ]
14564 th
Arkanfell [ Harmless ]
14565 th
Bunks [ Harmless ]
14566 th
blaaksheep [ Pathetic ]
14567 th
Twixa [ Decent ]
Peon within Zygort Traders.
14568 th
alterred reality [ Mediocre ]
Officer of lost and confussed.
14569 th
Zimtente [ Pathetic ]
14570 th
Juvens [ Poor ]
14571 st
Phillydoodle420k [ Harmless ]
14572 nd
emerald [ Mostly Harmless ]
Officer of lost and confussed.
14573 rd
Fanat [ Harmless ]
14574 th
Humanity [ Meijin ]
Officer of Australia.
14575 th
Maylo [ Harmless ]
14576 th
Vertex [ Poor ]
14577 th
andias [ Decent ]
Councilor of lost and confussed.
14578 th
ReeflyFR [ Poor ]
14579 th
XCOMmander [ Poor ]
14580 th
XCOMmander1 [ Harmless ]
14581 st
Rastorouket [ Poor ]
14582 nd
Wancott [ Harmless ]
14583 rd
Intellium [ Master ]
Officer of Australia.
14584 th
Sperm Donor [ Meijin ]
Officer of Australia.
14585 th
jayhaven [ Poor ]
14586 th
Paulie [ Harmless ]
14587 th
saber00 [ Poor ]
14588 th
Kane2002 [ Pathetic ]
14589 th
RikiTikiBlakJak [ Poor ]
14590 th
Goose91 [ Harmless ]
14591 st
Gruntenfahrt [ Pathetic ]
14592 nd
Zalgorn [ Harmless ]
14593 rd
Volo [ Pathetic ]
14594 th
The infinite void [ Harmless ]
Officer of Zygort Traders.
14595 th
Satre Satranath [ Harmless ]
14596 th
Thannicus [ Poor ]
14597 th
mnagdg [ Poor ]
14598 th
Silas [ Goliath ]
14599 th
Half Moon [ Elite ]
Officer of Zygort Traders.
14600 th
Blood Moon [ Titan ]
Officer of Zygort Traders.