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This returns a list of all Items in the game that have been discovered or otherwise marked as public knowledge. Items are considered public knowledge if they have ever been listed on the public market.





Returns an array items with members keyed by the name of the item. Each item has the following attributes.

  • name - The item's name, every item has a unique name.
  • description - The item's flavor text description.
  • itemType - The broad class that the item falls under (e.g. Commodity, Weapon, Shield, etc).
  • extendedItemType - A more specific type that the item falls under.
  • tech - Tech level
  • weight - Weight
  • size - Size
  • qualityTier - Quality tier

There are several more possible item attributes, too many to list for now. Most attribute names should be descriptive enough for someone familiar with the items functionality to understand it.
