Chythe's Martyred Tale

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Green Dragon will tell you a tale, weaving a tapestry of words.

Holy Shit, He's Back

"Chythe sir! We have a report of someone trying to breach our galaxy!"
I coolly replied, "Who is it, what team is he/she on, and what ship does he/she fly?"
The panicked soldier shows clear signs of hesitation. Then quietly responds, "It's Desert Rat..."
"HOLY SHIT!" I quickly fire up the ansible with a message to Desert Rat, sending a chat invite. The invite states that Sam A.K.A. Green Dragon would like to commence in video

chat. The ansible light blinks green, confirming that the message has been sent. Not even a second later, Desert Rat, or a shadow of his former self, awaits me.

I hold back my tears, saying with awe, "Desert Rat?"
Desert Rat coughs the wheeziest cough ever coughed. "S-S-S... Sam?" He coughed again.
I think back two years about my time I spent on Infinite Dreams. I remember playing with my alphabet blocks, putting the F-block in the A-hole, or playing with the microwave, forks in

the toaster... "Hey Ratty?"

Desert Rat raised an eyebrow.
"Can I stick my fork in your toaster?"
He smiled and said "I still have the role of 'Team Idiot' available."
"Where do I apply?"
"Grab your pencil and meet me in my bedroom."
I laughed to myself and said, "That's what she said."
Desert Rat laughed, ceased communication, and left me a message. I opened it, and it said in big red letters:


--Green Dragon 13:35, 30 May 2008 (PDT)

Eye Candy and Travel

I go to where my ships are kept in the docking bay, and locate my Death Striker Plus. "Aha!" I stride over to my ship, soaking in the eye candy it offers to me. I grab my special psychic-honing helmet, taking in awe the amazing new color of green on my helmet. I honestly must say, it's better than space gnome (<3). I jump into the cockpit, soak in all the green, and nearly cream my pants! I have all the green because it resonates with my psionic power, having it explode into an immeasurable amount of psychic energy, which in turn I focus on honing in on my target as well as dealing as much damage with my psychic energy blast