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The Glourious Tales Of Gundam

  • Often times mistaken for the great and glorious Voomy. Perhaps he is or isn't Voomy, no one is entirely sure of his origins or Alt's. He is often seen in the company of Veruss, radating his awesome Gundam like power through DG's. He would be classified as more of a lover then a fighter. What is known about Gundam's player past is that he was part of LC for a number of years, one of which he servered as Councilor under Mr's A. After the corrupt rise of Sharky, Gundam left for more glory on Infinity. Alas this was not ment to be as Infinity suffered from a harsh leadership and collapsed in on it's self soon after Gundam's departure. Sensing Gundam's mighty and calming mind Jey offered him a spot on EF. After a while even attaining Councilor once again. Though the position was good Gundam decided to step down and let others more experenced in politics take over. Gundam is also one of the very first members of EF. Both Gundam and Jey enjoy the pround status as Canadian's. Known players in Gundam's circle have been JBW3, Veruss, Spiff3000, Orgy, Tim55555, Brindlebull, Butterface and others...

Status: Actively giving out candy in a large dark van, with free candy spray painted on the side.