Template:Project notes

From Starsonata Wiki
Revision as of 18:40, 4 February 2009 by Simon (talk | contribs)

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Fixes and extensions

Ok Thumbnails are fixed ^_^. Also, we can now use the Math extension and soon ImageMap extension. Use this wonderful tool to help make shapes on the imagemaps.

I know all the other images are still missing, but i do have a file of all the TLA images ready for whenever i can get that to someone with server access. We are working on figuring out whats going on with the imagemap causing pages to not load.

Check out StarSonata:Current_events Current events to see what progress is happening. -Simon 22:40, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

Thumbnails broken

Ok, thumbnails arent working atm, trying to get it fixed -Simon 13:19, 25 January 2009 (UTC)

All the Pages are here :D

Ok, we uploaded the data dump, and i have imported all the pages that were somehow missed by that. I know all the pics are missing, we're working on that, along with changing the color scheme. Also, currently if you have an underscore in your username you cant log into the wiki. Julian is looking into that. Feel free to edit pages again as all of the pages have been moved over. As time goes on i will looking to add more extensions to add functionality to the wiki :) -Simon 18:56, 23 January 2009 (UTC)

Data Dump

Hold off on edits and uploads for a bit. Julian has a complete copy of TLA to upload, including pictures etc. So don't waste your time. -Simon 17:31, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

New Media Category And Pictures.

I am working on adding all the pictures that dident get ported over. Also i am adding a media category so everybody can post all there videos, Screen shots, Ect, but that is a work in progress. Drones: Done Ships: unfinished

~ Danger

Moved To Starsonata.com

Moved wiki to starsonata.com. ~ Julian 06:29, 18 November 2008 (UTC)

Edit this Section - Archive

This page is for project news. Announce polls, major additions or landmarks.

Place the newest items at the top and the oldest at the bottom. When something starts to get old and irreverent move it to Template:Project_notes/Archive.