Template talk:Infobox Ship

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Revision as of 17:09, 14 May 2007 by Arrowhate (talk) (updateing a bunch of stuff)

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Note: The stats used below are made up. Please see the article on this ship for the up-to-date stats.

Template Usage

Simply copy/paste the below at the top of the page and fill out the details. You can see what this will generate on the right hand side of this page.

  • Name is required and the infobox will look funny if it's left blank.
  • The resists will be marked as 0% if left blank.
Space Blue Alpha
Space Blue Alpha.png
The ship's flavor text
Ship Class: fighter
Cost at AI Stations: Not for sale...
Tech level 5
Hull Space 200
Speed 60
Number of Augmenters 2
Number of Weapons 2
Base Visibility 30
Ship Size 100
Energy Resist 100%
Heat Resist
Laser Resist 25%
Mining Resist 25%
Physical Resist 25%
Radiation Resist 25%
Surgical Resist 25%
Transference Resist 25%
Any special notes needed. May be left blank. This is a good space to note any special items that are built into the ship, etc.


[[|100px| ]]
Ship Class:
Cost at AI Stations: Not for sale...
Tech level
Hull Space
Number of Augmenters
Number of Weapons
Base Visibility
Ship Size
Energy Resist
Heat Resist
Laser Resist
Mining Resist
Physical Resist
Radiation Resist
Surgical Resist
Transference Resist
