Planck Warp Instigator - an object of much debate as to its value.
The Planck Warp Instigator is a warping device, allowing instant transportation to a location up to 2500 away, this may be done every 30 seconds and costs minimal elec. It is tech 20.
The PWI is rare, and costs 25bill.
==Advantages of the Pwi==:
it allows you to manouver easily in dgs, selecing appropriate ais and singling them out it also allows rapid escape from ais and also is incredibly usefull in Player Vs Player, as it can allow a quick ambush and retreat
Disadvantages of the Pwi
Cost of 25bill, Means you have to carry Gear Glue 20 around Is rendered nearly obsolete by Afterburners Competes with baby pwis such as gallows robber, warping paper and witches broomstick (holiday rares)
Pwi is underestimated, and all good players use them - From Tobal to TehGeneral to Retyu... a pwi is an essential tool for high lvl dgs, and is especially good for speed demons.