Game Controls

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Revision as of 19:46, 17 May 2018 by Nappy (talk | contribs) (Chat Commands)

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Star Sonata is controlled using the keyboard and mouse. However, a few players have gotten X-Box style controllers to work.

Some players have chosen to change their controls from the default arrangement. This might be beneficial if you are left handed or used to a setup for a different game. To accomplish this, select Options at the bottom right of your screen, press the F7 key, or the O key. Then, click the Keys tab. From there you can define individual commands.

Default Key mapping

  • A - Turn Left
  • D - Turn Right
  • W - Thrust Forward
  • F - Jump through Warp gate
  • R - Dock at base
  • V - Autopilot to target
  • Right Click - Autopilot to location clicked
  • Tab - Cycle all visible objects
  • Ctrl - Cycle object types
  • Q - Cycle objects of the same type
  • Z - Cycle ships
  • Shift + any above - Cycle backwards for that key
  • Left Click - Select object
  • Left Click - Select item
  • Double Left Click - Activate or equip item
  • Right Click - Open context menu
  • Left Click - Select system
  • Double Click - Autopilot to system
  • Right Click - Center on location
  • Left Click-Drag - Pan map
  • Scroll-wheel - Zoom in/out
  • C - Scoop target or nearby debris
  • T - Start a chat message
  • U - Suicide
  • X - Open options screen for targeted object
  • 0 though 9 - Hotkeys
  • H - Hide the UI
  • Alt + Shift + Left Click-Drag - Move the camera around. Double click while holding keys to reset camera position.

Chat Commands

Star Sonata's chat has a few helpful commands to make life a little easier. All names are Case-sensitive. Some commands give results in the Events tab.

All words given between the < and > symbols are where you should enter the information the command needs from you. Do not include the < or > when typing it.

Private Message

Talk to someone privately. Opens a new tab at the bottom of the screen.

  • /w <name> <message>
  • /w "<name with spaces>" <message>
Friends List

Add a player to your friends list.

  • /f add <name>

Remove a player from your friends list.

  • /f remove <name>
  • /f rem <name>

Check your friends list of who is online or offline. Note your friends must also add you to their list to be able to see their location.

  • /f
  • /f list

Get a list of these commands in game.

  • /help
  • /h

Get more information on whispers.

  • /help w
  • /h w

Get a full list of friends commands

  • /help f
  • /h f

Don't want to hear someone mouth off any more?

  • /ignore <name>

Forgive them?

  • /unignore <name>

Forget who all you have ignored?

  • /list

Show how much damage you are dealing. It toggles; so typing it again turns it off.

  • /showdamage
Drone Damage

Show how much drone damage you are dealing. It toggles; so typing it again turns it off.

  • /showdronedamage
Base Damage

Show how much base damage you are dealing. It toggles; so typing it again turns it off.

  • /showbasedamage
Slave Damage

Show how much slave damage you are dealing. It toggles; so typing it again turns it off.

  • /showslavedamage
Damage received

Shows how much damage you get hit for by an AI or player. It toggles; so typing it again turns it off.

  • /showpain

Declare war on a player or team. This requires you to be a Councilor or Director of your team.

  • /war <name>
  • /war player <name>

End a current war with a player or team. This requires you to be a Councilor or Director of your team.

  • /endwar <name>
  • /endwar player <name>

Lists all current wars your team has declared.

  • /wars
Market Check

See the best selling and buying prices across the universe. capitals and spelling must be exact.

  • /mc <item name>

Roll a many sided fair die. The # specifies how many sides the die has. This command only works in Galaxy Chat

  • /roll <number>

Display a list of all galaxies you are locked out from entering, and for how much longer.

  • /lockout

Shows how long until you can post in Trade chat again.

  • /tradetimer
Show Trade

Stops display of new messages in trade. It toggles; so typing it again turns it on.

  • /showtrade

Shows how many shields and energy is being regenerate per second.

  • /charging

Select a known galaxy on the map

  • /search <galaxy name>

Autopilot to known galaxy (requires sufficient Astral Travel)

  • /ap <galaxy name>
