Template:Project notes

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Revision as of 13:16, 11 October 2006 by Arrowhate (talk) (adding "Story Contest! (Sep 25 to Oct 25)" (should have done this along time ago... doh))

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= Story Contest! (Sep 25 to Oct 25)

The Lyceum Archive would like to introduce it’s second contest. This time the focus will be on fiction.

Who: Any current or former Star Sonata Player.
Where: The contest results will be hosted at http://www.lyceumarchives.com/wiki in a new “Fan Fiction” section.
When: From 09/25/06 to 10/25/06
Why: Err... why not?


  1. The story must be in or about the Star Sonata universe.
  2. Nothing higher then rated "R" (i.e., any content that you might see at a mainstream movie theater... I have a website TOS to abide by.)
  3. Illustrations are fine, but won’t figure into the judging.
  4. No longer then 2000 words (It’s about 3 pages at size 12 font). This rule is more a guideline then a disqualifier… but if you send me something 20 pages long I won’t read it… unless it’s Card/Mccaffrey/Niven quality.
  5. All entries will be considered to be released under the Gnu Free Document License.

Judging Criteria:

  • Originality (uniqueness)
  • Readability (ease of reading)
  • Interest (does it grab ones attention)


  • Bragging rights
  • A “medal” for your signature or website.

(If you’re interested in sponsoring a credit prize let me know… but I can’t personally do it since accounts won’t be active by the end of the contest.)

Contact: All entries should be sent to contest[at]lyceumarchives[d0t]com. Questions or comments can be sent to the above address, a forum PM or a message on my talk page.

Thanks, ArrowHate 10:16, 11 October 2006 (PDT)

P.S.: Check out my new site: http://www.lyceumarchives.com/gallery - an archive of cost-free images.

The Results!

Results of the essay contest have been announced... see the Star Sonata Forum for more details.

-- ArrowHate 09:30, 3 September 2006 (PDT)

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