Barbe Rouge

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Revision as of 02:18, 26 March 2017 by sebperth (talk | contribs) (added the hanged man and rosmarinus to drop table)

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Barbe Rouge in action.

Barbe Rouge is an Uber AI located in the DG in the Tortuga galaxy. He pilots The Hanged Man and is primarily killed to complete a mission in Tortuga for the Gallows Robber. He is at the end of a 2 level DG, to enter the first level requires a Key which is dropped by all AI in Tortuga. The second level is a dark level in which the finest pirate assassins make their home: 8 stalkers will spring from the shadows to attack you! In the final level, Barbe rouge himself resides, Protected by 4 of his finest crewmen piloting fearsome Buccaneer's Cruisers! If you kill him, he may drop Gold Dubloons, Pirate Gear, or even a Personal Letter of Recommendation describing your fighting skills!


  • 30% Protection to Energy
  • 25% Vulnerability to Heat
  • 30% Protection to Surgical
  • 30% Protection to Mining
  • 5% Vulnerability to Transference
Barbe Rouge

Unique loot:

Random DG loot: