Barbe Rouge
From Starsonata Wiki
Revision as of 02:18, 26 March 2017 by sebperth (talk | contribs) (added the hanged man and rosmarinus to drop table)
Barbe Rouge is an Uber AI located in the DG in the Tortuga galaxy. He pilots The Hanged Man and is primarily killed to complete a mission in Tortuga for the Gallows Robber. He is at the end of a 2 level DG, to enter the first level requires a Key which is dropped by all AI in Tortuga. The second level is a dark level in which the finest pirate assassins make their home: 8 stalkers will spring from the shadows to attack you! In the final level, Barbe rouge himself resides, Protected by 4 of his finest crewmen piloting fearsome Buccaneer's Cruisers! If you kill him, he may drop Gold Dubloons, Pirate Gear, or even a Personal Letter of Recommendation describing your fighting skills!
- 30% Protection to Energy
- 25% Vulnerability to Heat
- 30% Protection to Surgical
- 30% Protection to Mining
- 5% Vulnerability to Transference
Barbe Rouge
Unique loot:
- 34,000,000 credits
- Barbe Rogue's Letter of Recommendation
- Gold Dubloon
- Insto Shield Tweak
- Master Pirate Crest
- Silver Bar
- Veteran Pirate Crest
- Swabbies Radar
- Zeteny Radar+
- Rosmarinus Blueprint
- The Hanged Man
Random DG loot: