Base XYZ Gear

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You cannot remove XYZ gear from a base once it has been built. A set consists of a protector, energybank, charger, laser and plating. Arcadian, Apollo and Ares bases do not have blueprints for their own sets, only Adonis and higher.

SunDog60 here, this page is a sandbox for me, I'll be putting all the stats onto the Base Gear page once they're ready, in the meantime you can find them on this page, or at least, what's been collected so far.

Base Shields done! Moved it over to the Base Gear page. Now onto the Base Energies!

Base Gear


Name TL Size Bank Regen Regen Elect Elect Vis Weight RPE Mods Blueprint Description
Bubblewrap 0 1 5511 0 0 0 30 500 N/A Comes with lower-tech bases Simple protection out of the box
Arcadian Protector 1 100 165,625 55.75 248 40 2000 100,000 0.224798 Arcadian Blueprint Big n' tough
Academy Protector 3 200 331,250 110 363 57 2000 200,000 0.30303 Academy Blueprint Academy's protection
Apollo Protector 3 200 331,250 110 363 57 2000 200,000 0.30303 Apollo Blueprint Light protection
Bubblewrap 2 6 1 12,764 0 0 0 30 500 N/A Comes with higher-tech bases big bouncy bubbles
Ares Protector 6 400 662,500 144.667 342 81 2000 400,000 0.423002 Ares Blueprint Strong and true
Adonis Protector 9 1300 993,750 1521 4926 99 2000 1,300,000 0.30877 Adonis Blueprint solid protection
Adonis Protector X 9 1 1,159,375 1901 6897 107 4000 1000 0.275627 Resistance +2% Adonis X Blueprint solid protection
Adonis Protector Y 9 1 1,159,375 2534 9655 107 6000 1000 0.262455 Resistance +4% Adonis Y Blueprint solid protection
Adonis Protector Z 9 1 1,159,375 3041 13,517 107 8000 1000 0.224976 Resistance +8% Adonis Z Blueprint solid protection foundation
Bule Protector 11 4500 1,000,000 1500 20,250 83 50 4,500,000 0.07 Radar +50% Bule Blueprint Low visibility protection
Argonaut Protector 12 3000 1,159,375 1901 6158 107 5000 3,000,000 0.308704 Argonaut Blueprint dazzling protection
Argonaut Protector X 12 1 1,325,000 2376 8621 115 10,000 1000 0.275606 Resistance +2% Argonaut X Blueprint dazzling protection
Argonaut Protector Y 12 1 1,325,000 3168 12,069 115 15,000 1000 0.262491 Resistance +4% Argonaut Y Blueprint dazzling protection
Argonaut Protector Z 12 1 1,325,000 3802 16,897 115 20,000 1000 0.22501 Resistance +8% Argonaut Z Blueprint dazzling protection foundation
Faranji Protector 13 3000 1,200,000 2000 34,666 115 1000 3,000,000 0.06 Damage +10% Faranji Blueprint Small and light, essential for quick set up
Ambrosia Protector 14 5000 1,325,000 2072 6712 115 7000 5,000,000 0.308701 Ambrosia Blueprint sweet protection
Ambrosia Protector X 14 1 1,490,625 2590 9397 122 14,000 1000 0.27562 Resistance +2% Ambrosia X Blueprint sweet protection
Ambrosia Protector Y 14 1 1,490,625 3453 13,155 122 21,000 1000 0.262486 Resistance +4% Ambrosia Y Blueprint sweet protection
Ambrosia Protector Z 14 1 1,490,625 4144 18,417 122 28,000 1000 0.22501 Resistance +8% Ambrosia Z Blueprint sweet protection foundation
Avalon Protector 14 8000 2,318,750 2000 4000 152 5000 8,000,000 0.5 Avalon Blueprint A Noble Cause
Mzungu Protector 15 7000 1,500,000 2100 26,460 101 2000 7,000,000 0.08 Hull Space +10% Mzungu Blueprint Lasting protection
Andaman Protector 16 8000 1,490,625 2258 7316 122 7000 8,000,000 0.308639 Andaman Blueprint Island shielding
Andaman Protector X 16 1 1,656,250 2823 10,242 128 14,000 1000 0.27563 Resistance +2% Andaman X Blueprint Island shielding
Andaman Protector Y 16 1 1,656,250 3764 14,339 128 21,000 1000 0.262501 Resistance +4% Andaman Y Blueprint Island shielding
Andaman Protector Z 16 1 1,656,250 4517 20,075 128 28,000 1000 0.225006 Resistance +8% Andaman Z Blueprint Island shielding foundation
Vazaha Protector 17 13,000 1,400,000 2333.3 29,696.7 98 2000 13,000,000 0.08 Transference Power +10%, Transference Efficiency +10% Vazaha Blueprint Strong point of the Vazaha
Achilles Protector 18 12,000 1,656,250 2462 7974 128 7000 12,000,000 0.308753 Achilles Blueprint But does it have a weakness?
Achilles Protector X 18 1 1,821,875 3077 11,164 134 14,000 1000 0.275618 Resistance +2% Achilles X Blueprint But does it have a weakness?
Achilles Protector Y 18 1 1,821,875 4103 15,630 134 21,000 1000 0.262508 Resistance +4% Achilles Y Blueprint But does it have a weakness?
Achilles Protector Z 18 1 1,821,875 4923 21,882 134 28,000 1000 0.224979 Resistance +8% Achilles Z Blueprint But does it have a weakness?
Qa'Uka 18 180,000 700,000 617.667 5971 83 10 180,000,000 0.103444 UrQa Blueprint So that's why it was so tough?
Annihilator Shield 20 16,000 1,821,875 2683 8692 134 8000 16,000,000 0.308675 Annihilator Blueprint Massive Shielding
Annihilator Shield X 20 1 1,987,500 3354 12,169 140 8000 1000 0.275618 Resistance +2% Annihilator X Blueprint Massive Shielding
Annihilator Shield Y 20 1 1,987,500 4472 17,036 140 8000 1000 0.262503 Resistance +4% Annihilator Y Blueprint Massive Shielding
Annihilator Shield Z 20 1 1,987,500 5366 23,851 140 8000 1000 0.22498 Resistance +8% Annihilator Z Blueprint Massive Shielding
Armada Aegis 20 16,000 1,407,813 4140.62 20,703.1 118 8000 16,000,000 0.2 Transference Power +10%, Transference Efficiency +10% Armada Blueprint The final product of many centuries of civil strife and internal conflict among the Zaphragi factions
Adamantiumized Protector 20 24,000 2,318,750 3621 10,863 152 10,000 24,000,000 0.333333 Resistance +4% Adamantiumized Blueprint Adamantiumized is a real word.


Name TL Size Bank Regen Vis Weight Blueprint Fuel Mods Description Comments
Academy Energybank 3 200 8281 10000 1000 750000 -1 Nuclear Waste per 120s Learn to build
Arcadian Energybank 1 100 4141 6500 500 375000 -1 Nuclear Waste per 120s I have the power
Apollo Energybank 3 200 8281 10000 1000 750000 -1 Nuclear Waste per 120s quite bright
Ares Energybank 6 400 16563 15000 1500 1500000 -1 Nuclear Waste per 120s almost godly
Adonis Energybank 9 1300 33125 22528 2000 3000000 -1 Nuclear Waste per 120s sweet and pretty
Adonis Energybank X 9 1 49688 28160 4000 6000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 120s sweet and pretty foundation
Adonis Energybank Y 9 1 66250 37547 6000 12000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 100s sweet and pretty foundation
Adonis Energybank Z 9 1 82813 48046 8000 24000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 80s sweet and pretty foundation
Argonaut Energybank 12 3000 72875 28160 5000 5000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 120s zesty
Argonaut Energybank X 12 1 145750 35200 10000 10000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 100s zesty foundation
Argonaut Energybank Y 12 1 218625 46933 15000 20000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 80s zesty foundation
Argonaut Energybank Z 12 1 291500 56320 20000 40000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 60s zesty foundation
Ambrosia Energybank 14 5000 119250 30694 7000 5000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 100s energy of the gods
Ambrosia Energybank X 14 1 238500 38368 14000 10000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 80s energy of the gods foundation
Ambrosia Energybank Y 14 1 357750 51157 21000 20000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 60s energy of the gods foundation
Ambrosia Energybank Z 14 1 477000 61389 28000 40000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 40s energy of the gods foundation
Avalon Energybank 14 8000 109313 25000 5000 8000000 -1 Nuclear Waste per 180s A Noble Cause
Andaman Energybank 16 8000 172250 33457 7000 8000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 80s Island nuclear energy
Andaman Energybank X 16 1 344500 41821 14000 16000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 60s Island nuclear energy foundation
Andaman Energybank Y 16 1 516750 55761 21000 32000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 40s Island nuclear energy foundation
Andaman Energybank Z 16 1 689000 66914 28000 64000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 20s Island nuclear energy foundation
Achilles Energybank 18 12000 278250 36468 7000 12000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 60s Should be plenty
Achilles Energybank X 18 1 556500 45585 14000 24000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 40s Should be plenty
Achilles Energybank Y 18 1 834750 60780 21000 48000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 20s Should be plenty
Achilles Energybank Z 18 1 1113000 72936 28000 96000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 10s Should be plenty
Aku Qa 18 180000 496875 79500 5000 24000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 9s Juice from Aliens
Annihilator EnergyBank 20 16000 556500 39750 10000 5000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 9s The Power to Annihilate
Annihilator EnergyBank X 20 1 556500 49688 10000 5000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 9s The Power to Annihilate
Annihilator EnergyBank Y 20 1 556500 66250 10000 5000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 9s The Power to Annihilate
Annihilator EnergyBank Z 20 1 556500 79500 10000 5000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 9s The Power to Annihilate
Armada Lifestream 20 18000 987125 26500 10000 7670000 Shield Recharge +25%, Rate Of Fire +15% So that's the source of their power!
Adamantiumized Bank 20 24000 1113000 53000 10000 10000000 1 Nuclear Waste per 8s Shield Recharge +9% Built from pure adamantium


Name TL Regen Elect Reg/Elec Size Weight Blueprint Description
Andaman Charger 16 6970/s 16,728/s 0.42 8000 8,000,000 Andaman Blueprint Power of the Andaman, doubled.
Andaman Charger X 16 8713/s 23,420/s 0.37 1 8,000,000 Andaman X Blueprint Power of the Andaman, doubled.
Andaman Charger Y 16 11,617/s 32,788/s 0.35 1 8,000,000 Andaman Y Blueprint Power of the Andaman, doubled.
Achilles Charger X 18 9497/s 25,528/s 0.37 1 16,000,000 Achilles X Blueprint Power of the Achilles, doubled.
Achilles Charger Y 18 12,662/s 35,739/s 0.35 1 16,000,000 Achilles Y Blueprint Power of the Achilles, doubled.
Achilles Charger Z 18 15,195/s 50,034/s 0.30 1 16,000,000 Achilles Z Blueprint Power of the Achilles, doubled.
Annihilator Charger X 20 10,352/s 27,825/s 0.37 1 5,000,000 Annihilator X Blueprint For even more Massive Protection
Annihilator Charger Z 20 16,563/s 54,537/s 0.30 1 5,000,000 Annihilator Z Blueprint For even more Massive Protection


Name TL Damage Range Recoil Type Elect DPS EPS DPE Size Weight Vis Blueprint Description Comments
Andaman Laser X 16 4153 1136 1.328 Laser 11,538 3128.01 EPS 0.360 1 1000 2377 for 2s Andaman X Blueprint Nuclear slice
Andaman Laser Y 16 4979 1363 1.328 Laser 15,559 3749.24 EPS 0.320 1 1000 2789.5 for 2s Andaman Y Blueprint Nuclear slice
Achilles Laser X 18 3088 1378 1.208 Surg 8822 2556.29 EPS 0.350 1 1000 1844 for 2s Achilles X Blueprint Achilles Attack System
Achilles Laser Y 18 3702 1653 1.208 Surg 11,941 3064.56 EPS 0.310 1 1000 2151 for 2s Achilles Y Blueprint Achilles Attack System
Achilles Beam Z 18 4818 1984 1.208 Surg 17,844 3988.41 EPS 0.270 1 1000 2709 for 2s Achilles Z Blueprint Achilles Attack System
Annihilator Beam X 20 4469 1448 1.208 Laser 13,144 3699.5 EPS 0.340 1 1000 2534.5 for 2s Annihilator X Blueprint The Power to Annihilate
Annihilator Beam Z 20 6971 2084 1.208 Laser 26,811 5770.69 EPS 0.260 1 1000 3785.5 for 2s Annihilator Z Blueprint The Power to Annihilate


All have the description 'Reinforced' and are size 1 and 100 vis.

Name TL Elect Soak / % Weight Blueprint
Andaman Plating X 16 1166/s 200 | 56% 80,000,000 Andaman X Blueprint
Andaman Plating Y 16 1633/s 250 | 59% 160,000,000 Andaman Y Blueprint
Achilles Plating X 18 2333/s 500 | 60% 120,000,000 Achilles X Blueprint
Achilles Plating Y 18 3266/s 550 | 62% 240,000,000 Achilles Y Blueprint
Achilles Plating Z 18 4666/s 600 | 64% 480,000,000 Achilles Z Blueprint
Annihilator Plating X 20 4666/s 1000 | 63% 16,000,000 Annihilator X Blueprint
Annihilator Plating Z 20 9333/s 1200 | 67% 16,000,000 Annihilator Z Blueprint

Adonis Protector X Blueprint

Adonis Protector Y Blueprint

Adonis Protector Z Blueprint

Argonaut Protector X Blueprint

Argonaut Protector Y Blueprint

Argonaut Protector Z Blueprint

Ambrosia Protector X Blueprint

Ambrosia Protector Y Blueprint

Ambrosia Protector Z Blueprint

Andaman Protector X Blueprint

Andaman Protector Y Blueprint

Andaman Protector Z Blueprint

Achilles Protector X Blueprint

Achilles Protector Y Blueprint

Achilles Protector Z Blueprint

Annihilator Shield X Blueprint

Annihilator Shield Y Blueprint

Annihilator Shield Z Blueprint