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Eventually, although it took quite a while (and more importantly the leader of one of Earth's more prominent nation-states realized he couldn't afford to put lunch on his expense account, inflated military budget and all), humanity ceased the strife between itself and collectively put effort towards picking fights and warmongering with other species. After a series of savage battles that decimated the kangaroo populations in Australia, humanity realized things hadn't really gotten any better, so they turned to the great unknown to vent their collective frustration. Thus, Earthforce was born and a whole new era of warmongering began, starting with the great campaign against the docile Comet Creatures of the Oort Cloud. Although things have improved slightly since, Earthforce is still comprised of a very militant 'police' force and spends most of its existence in the age old pastime of warfare, with one minor exception, of course; wars are called 'police actions' now. These unilateral aggressive movements are usually targeted at the pirates that prey on the lesser defended, or alien races that speak a language they don't understand; basically, anything Earthforce can take offense to, but then again, for a warmongering army, any excuse is a good one for picking a fight! Players can take part in most of these Earthforce offensives, which are listed below.

Earthforce Campaigns (In Order of Difficulty)
  • Mini-Volcom Battles
  • Volcom Pirate Massacre
  • Blue Pirate Police Action
  • Infernal Tempest Hostilities
  • Bonnet Pirate Strikes

All Earthforce 'campaigns' can be started in Sol, with the exception of the Mini-Volcom and Volcom missions. Those can be found in The Nexus. You have a choice to become a Nexus Cadet under Earthforce from the New Pilot page.

See also: Nexus Cadet Missions.

Earthforce Ranks
  • Enforcer Scout
  • Cadet
  • Enforcer
  • Sergeant Enforcer
  • Constable
  • Warden