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Controlbots are special items that, when equipped to a ship, will turn that vehicle to either trading slave or a combat slave. The type of slave is determined by the type of controlbot used. These items can only be equipped inside a space station. After equipping a controlbot, the slave ship will appear next to the player when he or she undocks from the station.

Making a slave ship requires some skill in Remote Control. More information about how to make a slave can be found here.

Special controlbots that give bonuses to slave ships are rare, and are usually obtained by DG drops.

Combat Controlbots

Name TL Size Weight Source Mastery Description Modifications
Combat Controlbot 0 2 2,500 Free Market & Copper - 10,000 Credits None 'guide your gang to victory' None
Prism Controlbot 0 3 5,000 Prismatic Conversion Parasite None 'prismatic guidance' Shield Recharge +10%
Barely Fierce Combat Controlbot 1 2 2,500 DG Drop None 'Get your bot to get its fierce on' Damage +10%
Parasitic Captor 1 5 25,000  ? None An Avesakan Parasite-based combat controlbot Damage +5%, Energy recharge +10%, Shield recharge +5%
Quirky Combat Controlbot 3 3 5,000 DG Drop None 'Maybe now, that stupid combat bot can keep up with you' Shields +15%, Speed +5%, Thrust +20%
Parasitic Controller 4 5 25,000  ? None An Avesakan Parasite-based combat controlbot Damage +8%, Energy recharge +16%, Shield recharge +8%
Mildly Fierce Combat Controlbot 5 5 2,500 DG Drop None 'Get your bot to get its fierce on' Damage +13%
Defensive Combat Controlbot 7 10 5,000 DG Drop None 'Combat slaves are much more fun when they aren't dying all the time' Shields +40%, Shield Recharge +30%
Paxian Controlbot 7 2 2,500 Paxius Missions Neurobound 'Guide your gang to victory' Shields +30%, Speed +15%, Resistance to Damage +5%
Parasitic Overseer 7 5 25,000  ? None An Avesakan Parasite-based combat controlbot Damage +11%, Energy recharge +22%, Shield recharge +11%
Skirmisher Combat Controlbot 9 10 5,000 DG Drop None 'When a little standoff power is called for' Shields +20%, Damage +5%, Tracking +10%, Range +30%
Master Controlbot 10 1 2,500 AI Base - 11,000 Credits Requires 10 in Merchant Fleet Master 'For the master only' None
Parasitic Director 11 5 25,000  ? None An Avesakan Parasite-based combat controlbot Damage +15%, Energy recharge +15%, Shield recharge +30%
Pretty Fierce Combat Controlbot 11 10 3,000 DG Drop None 'Get your bot to get its fierce on' Damage +20%
Rudimentary Multifiring Combat Controlbot 12 20 5,000 DG Drop None 'Everyone Love a multifiring bot' Damage -10%, Rate of Fire -10%, Multifiring +100%
Multifiring Combat Controlbot 13 20 5,000 DG Drop none 'Everyone loves a multifiring bot' Multifire +100%
Adv. Multifiring Combat Controlbot 15 20 5,000 BP Built Requires 15 in Infinite Knowledge 'Everyone loves a multifiring bot' Damage +5%, Multifire +100%
Energized Multifiring Combat Controlbot 15 20 5,000 BP Built Requires 15 in Infinite Knowledge 'Everyone loves a multifiring bot' Multifire +100%, Energy Recharge +10%
Decidedly Fierce Combat Controlbot 15 20 5,000 DG Drop None 'Get your bot to get its fierce on' Damage +24%
Parasitic Governor 15 5 25,000  ? None An Avesakan Parasite-based combat controlbot Damage +20%, Energy recharge +20%, Shield recharge +40%
Ares Combat Controlbot 17 30 20,000 DG Drop None 'If Ares was a bot, he might act a little like this.' Shields +10%, Turning +15%, Damage +20%, Shield Recharge +10%
Grinch Controlbot 19 30 2,500 Grinch Drop During Christmas None 'Grinchy!' Damage +25%, Energy Recharge +36%, Hostility +25%
Parasitic Commander 15 5 25,000  ? None An Avesakan Parasite-based combat controlbot Damage +25%, Energy recharge +25%, Shield recharge +50%
Hephaestus Combat Controlbot 21 35 20,000 Arena Master's Quarters mission Freighter If Hephaestus was a bot, he might act a bit like this Turning +17%, Shield +15% Damage +25%, Shield Recharge +15%, Tracking +11%
Poseidon Combat Controlbot 21 35 20,000 Arena Master's Quarters mission None If Poseidon was a bot, he might act a bit like this Shield +15%, Turning +17% Damage +25%, Critical Hit Percentage +15%
Zeus Combat Controlbot 21 35 20,000 Arena Master's Quarters mission Capital Ship If Zeus were a bot, he might act a bit like this Turning +17%, Damage +25%, Shield Recharge +15%, Critical Hit Resistance +15%

Trading Controlbots

Name TL Size Weight Source Mastery Description Modifications
Controlbot 0 2 2,500 AI Base - 10,000 Credits None 'guide your gang to riches' None
Speedy Trader Controlbot 4 4 2,500 DG Drop None 'guide your gang to riches' Speed +5%
Spacious Trader Controlbot 7 4 2,500 DG Drop None 'guide your gang to riches' Hull Space +5%
Massif Trader Controlbot 10 4 2,500 DG Drop None 'guide your gang to riches' Speed -5%, Hull Space +12%
Efficient Trader Controlbot 13 4 2,500 DG Drop None 'guide your gang to riches' Shield +3%, Speed +3%
Superior Speedy Trader Controlbot 16 4 2,500 DG Drop None 'guide your gang to riches' Shield +5%, Speed +7%
Superior Spacious Trader Controlbot 19 4 2,500 DG Drop None 'guide your gang to riches' Shield +5%, Hull Space +7%
Even More Ultimate Trader Controlbot 20 4 2,500 DG Drop None Din't know you get get more ultimate than ultimate, did you? Shield +25%, Speed +5%, Hull Space +5%
Penultimate Trader Controlbot 20 4 2,500 DG Drop None 'guide your gang to riches' Shield +10%, Hull Space +4%, Speed +4%
Ultimate Trader Controlbot 20 4 2,500 DG Drop None 'guide your gang to riches' Shield +15%, Hull Space +5%, Speed +4%