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They began, they flourished, they died.

Vorbex was one of the strongest f2p teams during early 2008. The team was for a time hugely success having over 100 players, about 40 of which were active. Unfortunately the team started to fail as more and more f2ps either left or went inactive. Eventually the team was nothing but a skeleton, held together by Camsy (Director), TheWhiteKnight and Jeo (Councillors). Camsy and TheWhiteKnight agreed that the team was finished, leaving to become p2p's, Jeo however followed the team to inactivity. Camsy's final message to the team is still on the team registry simply saying "We have disbanned" Vorbex Team Webpage

While the team fell into distant memory, its legacy continued on, much stronger f2p teams followed in Vorbex's footsteps.