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Prism is the one and only place to get solar prisms, obtained by mining the asteroids spawned around the sun. It is extremely dangerous getting to the sun, however. You must not get within 120 distance of any of the Prism Drones. They will fire a high powered laser which has enough strength to one-hit players with low level Shields.

Prism has one AI station, located approximately 2,500 distance up from the warp portal. There is a level 120 Pax Prismica AI which fires an Ice Sludger, rapidly increasing your ship's weight, and decreasing available hull space for solar prisms! More than one exterminator (Available most AI Stations) or an Ace Pest Control is recommended for removing the sludge. Docking at any AI station will also remove all parasites (sludge) from your hull.

Prism Drone firing laser.

Special Items Available at ai station:

Skills Available at ai station:

  • Drone Deployment to lvl 12, Requires 4 Skill points and 1 Solar Cleansing per lvl
  • Remote Control to lvl 6, Requires 3 Skill points and 1 Blue Vapor per level
  • Station Management to lvl 9, (Current Level + 1) Skill points and Requires 5 promethium per lvl
  • Station Research to lvl 3, Requires 50 Skill points and 1 Ambrosia Crest per lvl
  • Station Tweaking to lvl 14, Requires 10 Skill points and 1 Ambrosia Crest per lvl

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