Red Wattage

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Revision as of 15:51, 4 December 2010 by Master802 (talk | contribs)

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The Mighty Red Wattage in action, shown here as a boss giving the Speed tweak.

Red Wattages are found in DG's. They shoot the deadly Wattage Chain Laser. Beware! This laser can jump targets, does energy damage, and lower your energy regeneration significantly (But will not make it negative) for approximately 5 seconds. Their Ethereal Laser U's can terrorize your shields as well. These are found as bosses in Wild Space DGs, and in Perilous Space, they are found in great numbers in the levels. They drop Energy Globules, a commodity for the Wattage Augmenter and Wattage Blueprint use with a 5 hour half-life. They can move approximately 200 speed.


Wattages are weak to only Surgical and Heat.

Regular Spawn:
  • Level 1500ish
  • Spawns with this gear:
    • ??

Uber Spawn:
  • Level 3kish
  • Spawns with this gear:
    • ??

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