Diseased Flylet Broodship

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Revision as of 23:36, 8 August 2010 by Simon (talk | contribs)

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Run little zebu!

She's big and tough, when you're in a zebucart.

The Diseased Flylet Broodship is a larger and stronger version of the puny diseased flylet, and is immune to all damage with the exception of surgical. It is known to drop rare and valuable low-tech equipment; chief among these are Mzungu Invertoblasts and its special Flylet Broodmother Augmenter. It is level 3, and can be killed by two shots or less of any un-augmented ship using a surgical laser, leading it to be heavily camped.

  • Tech: 0
  • Hull: ?
  • Speed : 75
  • Size: ?
  • Visibility: ?
  • Augmenters: 2
  • Weapons: 3
  • Protections:
    • 100% Protection from Heat
    • 100% Protection from Energy
    • 100% Protection from Mining
    • 100% Protection from Laser
    • 100% Protection from Radiation
    • 100% Protection from Physical
    • 300% Vulnerability to Surgical
  • Heavy Fighter
  • Weight: ?
  • Description: ?
  • Docking Speed: 15

-Spawns with 8000 credits

-Takes 1 slave slot.

-Total selling price : ?

Spawns with this gear:

  • Dung Pellets (3)
  • Random Aug (2)
  • Rat Carapace
  • Self Destructor
  • Scoop
  • Ande Radar
  • Core Power
  • Hull Expansion
  • Rations

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