Capital Engine

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Revision as of 04:29, 20 May 2010 by -=odysseus=- (talk | contribs)

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The built in engine of the Earth Force Capital ship series.

It can not be unequipped and therefore not replaced by another engine making Engine lvl 10 a requirement to fly any EF capital ship.
According to a post from Jeff on the forums this engine is designed as a much higher tech (20?) engine - it's tech requirement was just reduced to 10 - keeping the rest of the stats - for convenience.


  • Tech: 10
  • Thrust: 22500
  • Turning: 7085
  • Size: 25
  • Visibility: 119
  • Improves:
    • Energy Recharge +10%
  • Weight: 500,000
  • Can Not Unequip
  • Capital Ship Only

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