Oversized Tortoise
From Starsonata Wiki
Revision as of 07:42, 19 April 2010 by Venividivici (talk | contribs)
Level ~400 roaming AI that treats pirates to its two Ethereal Laser U's. It cannot be captured, but it is given as a mission reward in Gargan.
- Tech: 17
- Hull: 940
- Max Speed: 50
- Size: 92
- Visibility: 160
- Augmenters: 3
- Weapons: 6
- Protections:
- 40% Protection from Laser
- 40% Protection from Energy
- 40% Protection from Heat
- 40% Vulnerability from Physical
- 40% Protection from Radiation
- 40% Protection from Surgical
- 40% Protection from Mining
- Freighter
- Weight: 450,000
- Description: When the world becomes too much, retreat into your shell
- Docking Speed: 50
- Inbuilt Elec: 50/second
- Item Form Size: 1880
Mission Cost:
- 20 Trader Badges
- 3 Gold Bars
-Spawns with ? credits
-Takes 9 slave slots.
Spawns with this gear:
- ?