Ancient Scoutship

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Revision as of 23:59, 7 April 2010 by Tobal (talk | contribs)

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An Ancient Scoutship speeding through space.

The Ancient Scoutship is an exceedingly fast and stealthy light fighter that is obtained through missions in the Enigmatic Sector. If everything required is bought from players the cost is about 1 billion credits. Stats:

  • Tech: 17
  • Hull: 150
  • Max Speed: 204
  • Size: 32
  • Visibility: 1
  • Augmenters: 2
  • Weapons: 1
  • Protections:
    • 60% from Laser
    • 40% from Energy
    • 40% from Radiation
    • 40% from Surgical
    • 40% from Mining
  • Light Fighter
  • Improves:
    • +12% Shield
    • +12% Energy
    • +12% Turning
    • +160% Thrust
    • -40% Visibility
    • +200% Radar
    • +15% Tractor Strength
  • Weight: 18,000
  • Description: "Combined technology of the Ancients!"
  • Docking Speed: Unknown
  • Item Form Size: 300
  • Inbuilt Electricity: 30 Per Second