/development:client2 - 3d ships milestone 2

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Revision as of 01:10, 16 November 2008 by Julian (talk | contribs) (New page: ====== Joe's Milestone 2 ======<br>Jon's comments in black, Jeff's comments in blue.<br>| **Game Object Name** | **Filename** | **Texture** | **Animation** | **Notes/Comments** |<br>| AI U...)

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====== Joe's Milestone 2 ======
Jon's comments in black, Jeff's comments in blue.
| **Game Object Name** | **Filename** | **Texture** | **Animation** | **Notes/Comments** |
| AI User Base 03 | AIuserBase03Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | Can you put a slow rotation on the outer ring one way and a slow rotation on the fan-blade looking things going the other way? Perhaps subdivide the outer ring so it looks rounder.\\ |
| AI User Base 04 | AIUserBase04Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | |
| AI User Base 05 | AIUserBase05Mesh.obj | **Too plain** | N/A | Lackluster compared to AI User Base 04I think the big problem with this is that it doesn't really look like anything from above. The current sprite that this is modelled after is shown at an angle, but that won't really work that well once we go to models.What if you tapered the tops and bottoms of each tower to a point at the inside corner? Then from the top we can see the sides better and it will catch the light better. Also, you could add some moving elevators that or going up and down a couple of the sides, which would look especially nice the they were tapered in the way as the angle of the elevators at at would change as they go up and down. |
| AI User Base 06 | AIUserBase06Mesh.obj | ** Ball sections could use more texture detailing?** | N/A | The balls seem to have seams on them. It's OK. I'm not crazy about the colors on this one as it seems like a combination of being washed out with just primary red. It almost looks like it's not even textured. A couple things that could spice it up a bit would be a rotating radar dish on the top and on top of each of the spheres, small guns that swivel back and forth slowly, like they are looking for targets to shoot. The guns would have to be pretty basic because they would be so small, but it might look good.\\ |
| Banshee | BansheeMesh.obj | Great | N/A | Good ship. Very nice. |
| Barbe Noir | BarbeNoirMesh.obj | Good | N/A | I like it. The only thing I worry a little bit about is that the ship (when flat lit in the meshviewer) looks like it is under the shade of a tree or something. I am not sure at all how that variable lighting that is in the texture map will look once in game. Probably fine for now, but we should keep an eye on it. |
| Big Green Agamemnon | bigGreenagamemnonMesh.obj | Good | N/A | Nice detailing work |
| Green Battleship | GreenBattleshipMesh.obj | Good | N/A | I like both of these a lot. On this one I see some flipped polys in the back area and some tearing along the bottom.\\ |
| Cleft Thorn | CleftThornMesh.obj | Good | N/A | Nice |
| Gelato Mesh | GelatoMesh.obj | Good | ** Could use more variation in the animation?** | This animation is making me seasick. I think it's a little over the top. I think the current animation looks like jello that is on a plate that is being tipped side to side. Perhaps an animation that looks like the jello is on a plate that is being moved in a circle, but kept flat would look better. So basically the top of the gelato would remain relatively flat but the sides would be doing most of the jiggling. I'm not sure. This will be a hard one to get right. In the end, I think we should err on the side of subtlety.\\ |
| Goblin | GoblinMesh.obj | Good | N/A | nice |
| Golden Boy 01 | GoldenBoy01Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | Engine sections are hard to see due to similar texture as the hull. Yes, that's a good point. It looks amazing close up, but when shrunk to the size it will be in game, the engines are completely lost. |
| Golden Boy 02 | GoldenBoy02Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | Good. |
| Golden Boy 03 | GoldenBoy03Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | Overall good. Would it be possible to texture the bottom differently? It looks a little broken from the bottom. Just plain gold would probably look better than a mirror of the top. |
| Golden Boy 04 | GoldenBoy04Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | Overall good. When you zoom out to put this ship smaller, a seam appears along the top center. |
| Golden Boy 05 | GoldenBoy05Mesh.obj | Good | N/A | Overall very good. There is a seam at some angles along the bottom center.At some angles, you can just barely see between the wings and the body. I know that you designed it that way on purpose, but since the wings are not more obviously separated, I think this looks more like flipped polys than a design choice. Perhaps just weld the wings to the body? |
| Hot Rod | HotRodMesh.obj | Good | Good; LOL the gun | Good. Awesome! At some angles, you can see part of the barrel of the gun after it has come up but before it has extended. |
| Inferno | InfernoMesh.obj | Good | N/A | ** The red nobs seem to look odds against the yellow hull. Maybe make them horns curbing back like with the wind? **I like this, especially the textures you have on the body. Subtle. Not sure about the horns idea. Maybe it would look good.**\\ ** |
| IQ Bana Base | IqBanaBaseMesh.obj | Very good | N/A | Sharp looking base. Very nice. I really like the texturing. |
| Mad Scientist | MadScientistMesh.obj | Good | N/A | I think those double fins at the front will look really good as the ship banks because they will really accent that the ship is banking as you see the gap between the two edges increase and decrease.\\ |
| Monochrome Hue | MonochromeHueMesh.obj | OK | N/A | Too monochrome? lol I think it's probably OK. |
| monochrome Tint | monochromeTintMesh.obj | OK | N/A | Also too monochome? |
| Mzungu Liquid | MzunguLiquidMesh.obj | Good | N/A | I like it a lot, but I question how well the dark red part will show up against the blackness of space, especially since this is a smaller ship. I think it will probably just look broken, to be honest. This is one of the smaller ships.\\ |
| Nutshell | Nutshellmesh.obj | Good | N/A | I like the texturing and the top a lot, but can you give the bottom some volume so the whole thing is more like a nut?\\ |
| Space Blue Alpha | SpaceBlueAlphaMesh.obj | Good | N/A | There is something about the canopy of most of these ships I simply hate. It doesn't look real/right. I don't know what the solution is either.Not sure about the canopy, but overall, it looks very nice. |
| Space Blue Alpha Interceptor | SpaceBlueAlphaInterceptorMesh.obj | Very good | N/A | Sharp looking ship |
| Space Blue Beta | SpaceBlueBetaMesh.obj | Very good | N/A | Sharp looking shipThe same shadowy look as the Barbe Noir ship bothers me on this one, as well. |
| Space Blue Gamma | SpaceBlueGammaMesh.obj | Good | N/A | I love it except for the outer engines; they don't match the style of the rest of the ship.I like it a lot, especially the outer engines. =) But maybe that's because I know and love the BLue Gamma so much and this just looks like a great 3d version of the existing one.Only problem I see is the texturing on the from and back circles of the outside engines. They don't look good at all in case this ship is ever seen from the front or back. |
| Space Blue Prototype | SpaceBluePrototypeMesh.obj | Good | N/A | Clean looking; this family of ships is what the whole game should emulate, IMO.Same shadowy look on this one two. Maybe I am just crazy... |
| Space Cheese Moon 01 | SpaceCheeseMoon01Mesh.obj | OK | N/A | Texture mirroring somewhat noticable at certain angles |
| Space Cheese Moon 02 | SpaceCheeseMoon02Mesh.obj | OK | N/A | ditto |
| Space Cheese Moon 03 | SpaceCheeseMoon03Mesh.obj | OK | N/A | ditto |
| Thatch | thatchMesh.obj | Good | N/A | Please make this into a big cube, not a flat pancake. This is a massive storage ship and sometimes fighting ship. There is no engine, but the whole thing about it is the enormous hull size, so I think a cube would make more sense.Very nice texturing.\\ |