Zailaguru Ksatracara
From Starsonata Wiki
A big ol' ship that roams Wild Space near the end of the universe. It's A Level 6K Aveksakan Warrior. It Launches Fighters. That's All I Know.
It is not to be messed with, for when mad, it can kill even the best shield monkeys in 1 shot. It's weapon is special for it also heals itself once fired. It has many stages, and once it gets around 70% shields it will gain 97% resist to all but heat, and heat will be at 150%. In this mode he launches fighters and his weapon still has lifesteal. He also starts to drop 2 different crates. One gives 100% Rof, the other which is better gives 1000% damage. Both have 100% fail rate so best to stockpile and burst him, yet I have not seen past this stage (YAHWAY).