C2 Ship Problems
C2 Ship problems
This is a page for testers to list problems with ships in C2. Common problems are things like "invisible", "looks like a space rat", "backwards", "not centered correctly", or "engine placement incorrect".
Players are also encouraged to attempt to fix these problems and email them in to me. You can edit the way every ship is displayed in /res/ships.xml. Every problem except for "invisible" or "looks like a space rat" should be fairly easy for anyone to fix with a little trial and error.
Please try to keep the list alphabetical. If you have submitted a fix, you can make a note, so that someone else doesn't also work on a fix.
Administrator - engine placement
Ancient Scoutship - backwards
Earthforce Frigate - engine placement
Heph Machine - Invisible
Hotrod+ - looks like a rat
Panther - too small?