Jeff Bobbo

From Starsonata Wiki
Revision as of 06:44, 4 November 2010 by Thecrazygamemaster (talk | contribs)

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JeffAvatar.png Name Class Team Rank Level Ship Misc
Jeff Bobbo Gunner Red Faction Soldier Deadly Earthforce Dreadnought Main
Kryton Gunner Red Faction Soldier Fearsome Rosmarinus+ HF Gunner
Mc Beth Engineer Red Faction Soldier Shodan Paxian Selenologica and Orca
uraindgus2 Shield Monkey Red Faction Soldier Meijin Rhino
Captain Shanks Speed Demon Red Faction Peon Average Faranji Stinger Lowbie SD
JeffB None None N/A Poor Hotrod+ F2P

Graphical User Interfaces

Normal Custom GUI

Download it Here

Halloween GUI

This is now finished, and available for download:

Christmas GUI

This is my next GUI project, for Christmas.

Client 2 style GUI

This is another one I plan to do soon, and kick Claerwyn's arse at it.

Thecrazygamemaster 10:44, 4 November 2010 (UTC) We shall see :)


I also take requests on GUI's for personal GUI just for the user. If you'd like one, see the topic I have on the forums.
