Galaxy Map

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Revision as of 00:33, 31 May 2010 by Simon (talk | contribs)

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As soon as you got out of Deep Space and into the real universe your galaxy map shows you the different galaxies you have explored. Once you jumped through a Wormhole the galaxy will be added into your galaxy map (except DG and some other special galaxies).

Information on the Galaxy map

On the Galaxy map are icons on the galaxies which tell you important things about them. The information is useful if you want to find something out and don't have the time to go there yourself.

Every galaxy is represented as a circle; the name of the galaxy is displayed next to it. A white circle around the galaxy sign means that it is Owned by a Team. A black capital "P" inside of the galaxy circle shows if the galaxy is Protected. The yellow and white stripes close to the circle stand for the stations in the galaxy, one stripe per station. Yellow stripes equal player bases, Green ones are for player bases your team owns, while white ones show AI stations. Pink dots indicate how many DGs are in the galaxy.

This information can also be viewed if you click on the galaxy circle, a short list of information will be shown. It will also display the galaxy's danger factor. This option isn't available here.

Note that the Earthforce map also shows the Nexus map, both of which are connected by the Deep Space system, as shown by the red dashed line.

The Universe Map for the 2009-2010 Uni is now located here:

List of Previous Galaxy Maps