Rocky Horror

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Rocky Horror (Warp 3)

The "Horrible Volcom Pirate Outpost" is similar to an Full Adonis base, (with pulse, mag and laser) The base also launches Bulldog Light Fighters which will slow you down and Border Collie fighters which give you forced thrust and turning and yes, this galaxy is extremely similar to Horrible Rocky.

Now, on the the profitable part.

There is a asteroid belt orbiting a Sun which has hard to crack asteroids (Takes 1-2 shots with 2 Capital Armageddon Laser Prototypes, one of the most powerful mining weapons in game) which yield at least:

  • Titanium (Uncommon)
  • Silver (Uncommon/Rare)
  • Gold (Rare)
  • Tin (Common/Uncommon)
  • Copper (Uncommon)
  • Copper Chunks (Breaks into 5 to 20) (Uncommon/Rare)
  • Platinum (Extremely Rare)
  • Metals (Common)
  • Silicon (Common)
  • Nuclear Waste (Common)

Buy/sell prices# at Rocky Horror Outpost(around):

  • Platinum: 106,250,000/100,000,000
  • Copper: 975,000/925,000
  • Gold: 11,750,000/11,200,000
  • Tin: 1,000,000/9,500,000
  • Titanium: 1,000,000/9,500,000
  1. Note: The prices change everyday so don't think these prices are correct.

Tip: The prices in Rocky Horror/Horrible Rocky are always high when the universe has been reset.

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