Dynamics of trade

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Revision as of 12:12, 23 January 2009 by Simon (talk | contribs)

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Large scale trading with slaves alone will not work.

 I have found that after two or three trips on their own- the dynamics of
pricing have switched and you are soon buying for more and selling for
less...  However- if you build a large convoy of bulk trading vessels and
travel with them (and several combat ships) you can check pricing along
the route in order to change your trading strageties accordingly. Dock 
your main ship then dock the bulk vessels.  Switch between ships to load
and unload- then either fix their orders to get them to the selling point
and deactivate (after selling- of course), or beat them to the station to
dock them when they arrive.  I do the first when i want to check new
points of sale as prices are dropping, and the latter when prices are
remaining stable.  Good trading all...  Loid lvl35

Addendums: I am finding that the commodities records are not updated well after several trading runs to the same stations- as well as having stations refuse to accept trading goods. (This station is not accepting this item at this time.) Avoid the temptation of trading from one station to another in the same system. This leads to crashing the market even faster.

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