Mad Exploding Bazooka
From Starsonata Wiki
- The team Mad Exploding Bazooka is a team that has been created by 3 real life friend.
We are a p2p team ( doesnt have any problem with having f2p player in the team, but they might find that boring lol ).
- The objective of this team is to give player more flexibility and power they could have in a big team,
without the hassle of creating your own.
- We play for fun, for the simple reason that is, its what a game is for.
- We aren't a war team, but, we won't hesitate to do so if one of our teammate is harassed.
- Me and my 2 councellor are from Quebec (CA).
- We love to help people in need, but don't abuse.
- The language used in the team chat must be kept in english,
but if you want to join our teamspeak server, speaking french is a must (since well, we are french canadian so).
- We are open for new member, preferably p2p, but as i said before, f2p are welcome.
- If your interested in joining pm me(Jey123456 / Jey or Emlock23 / Emlock) in game.
- We actually own 2 gal in w2