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One of the Lost Ancient Races. Ruins of their civilization can be found on some planets.


The Mzungu were a very structured and prosperous race. Having an empire larger than that of all the other Ancient races combined, it is no wonder they were the last to succumb to the will of the UrQa. The reason for their prosperity was solely based on their culture. Everyday Mzungu affairs revolved around a caste system in which a citizen was placed where he had the highest aptitude. This ensured everyone always did what they were best at, and for the most part what they enjoyed doing as well. With little discontent amoung the populace, rapid progress was easily made. All command descisions were made by the Matriarch, a Mzungu genetically enhanced to be the pinnacle of their species allowing her to better make decisions that would finally lead them to their next evolutionary stage.

When the UrQa arrived, the Mzungu were on the brink of shedding their corpreal forms for ethereal ones, an unheard of evolutionary step that even races as ancient as the Paxians have never dreamt of. They may have yet even made that leap, until the tenacious defense of their home system was halted by tragedy. Their homeworld, Ulimwengu Mzungu was struck by a very large rogue asteroid before they could safely destroy it. With their homeworld destroyed, and their resolved greatly weakened, the Mzungu quickly fell before the onslaught of the UrQa.


AI: Mzungu Acolyte, Mzungu Liquid, Mzungu Fluid, Kikale Mzungu Frigate. (all these are cappable, except the frigate. the frigate is a ruin extract. the Fluid is a mission item)


Liquid: (ship is actually half this size)


Kikale Mzungu Frigate:

All ships spawn in Enigmatic Sector

Advanced Version

Some of the most advanced pieces of technology come from Kikale Mzungu ruins which require Mzungu Lore to use.