Template:Project notes

From Starsonata Wiki
Revision as of 14:57, 16 October 2007 by (talk)

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New skills are in coming

New skills are coming in soon, probally within the next month.A lot of help will be needed to get the correct stats for them due to the balencing that will happen. I will get what focuses, skills and tertiary skills I can off of test and add them to the skills page over the next few days. All these skills are still only on test so expect alot of changes, but this will get the groundwork done. Thanks--Nargos

New Story Section

I just added a new stories section to go along with the new Role Playing section of the SS forums. Its under the Category:Misc>Stories

Spambot attacks

I've seen one page thats been hit by a spambot, if anyone sees a page with links, don't click them and please either tell Simon, Arrowhate, or myself.


I am actually going to update all of the gear lists >_< . Weapons are almost done, i dont know how i did it. Shields i am working on, but i added a few stats of my own. Also working on shields, energies, engines, radars, cloaks, diffusers, parasites, drones, ships, and auras. Engines need an update since the patch a few months ago. Drones recently received a big change in resists. The rest are missing descriptions and weights, things like that. So look forward to seeing all these new stats. :D -Simon 12:32, 12 July 2007 (PDT)

P.S. I would like to have comments on sortings of all gear lists, do you like how they are now? Do you want a different sorting? some of the sortings I personally find extremely silly, but that may be just me. Leave comments here.

Leave those comments in discussion I'll clear it out so people can discus without cluttering the place up.

New Scoops

We would like to ask you to check out and please update the new scoops that have been added in. They are under Items > Scoops or here.

You too can help!

I just wanted to put a reminder out that you dont need to have an account to make an addition, anyone should feel free to help update this wiki at any time. If you do plan to make more changes, please create an account by clicking the Log in/create account link at the top right of any page. It takes only a few minutes, and it allows us to give credit where it's due and keep in touch with people who make edits. Thank you. - Simon 15:39, 22 May 2007 (PDT)

Edit this Section - Archive


I spent some time re-arranging the front page, if you are looking for something that would normally be under the main links click on Misc. and look around there. Peter_The_Puller 16:48, 15 May 2007 (PDT)

  • I've also noticed the server having slight problems, if you are having problems loading then you should wait 5 minutes and try again.


I'm planning on doing some upgrades tonight at some point. I've made a database backup in case anything goes wrong. If everything goes smoothly, then there won't be any downtime. ArrowHate 12:33, 29 April 2007 (PDT)

Stats of Augs

Currently the stats are incorrect. We are working on it.

Yurble 17:12, 11 April 2007 (EST)


Please do not use signatures in a Wiki page: it is unnecessary and breaks up the page. Signatures and personal comments should be kept to the "discussion" tab of the topic, the news/announcements, and your personal page only.

Nuro 15:57, 10 April 2007 (EST)

A bit inactive...

Sorry everyone for how inactive I've become. I'm basically quit Star Sonata. No worries, I'll continue to pay for this domain and the hosting and I'll still be available for any technical support the site might need.

I'd like to find someone who would be willing to take over the leadership of the site. The job requires dedication and the ability to promote the website to aid in it's continued growth. Technical experience in wiki-code is helpful, but not required. Good organizational skills are a must.

ArrowHate 09:23, 27 March 2007 (PDT)

Story Contest Results

Long past overdue, I Herby announce the winners of the first The Lyceum Archives Story contest!

  1. Meeting a Myth
  2. The Siege of Pax
  3. The Origins of Man

Honorable mentions:

I thank everyone who entered. You guys did a great job! None of the stories sucked and I'm proud to have been able to get such a great responce from such a small gamers community. The awards will be coming soon!

ArrowHate 18:27, 1 November 2006 (PST)

This page is for project news. Announce polls, major additions or landmarks.

Place the newest items at the top and the oldest at the bottom. When something starts to get old and irreverent move it to Template:Project_notes/Archive.