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Revision as of 13:59, 1 October 2016 by lrellok (talk | contribs)

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Programming skill determines the maximum number of commands you can give to slave ships. Each level in programming gives 2 additional command slots to slave ships. It costs 5 skill points per level.

Where to Train

All Universes

Location Level Requirements Notes
Iq' Bana 30 None  
Kalthi Stronghold 60 1 Kalthi Manufacturing Parts

Sept 17th, 2016

Galaxy Station Level Requirements Notes Zebrowski 11 None EF Space Warp 3

May 7th, 2016

Galaxy Station Level Requirements Notes
Arpeggio Pineon 6 None EF Space Warp 2
Glacicus Babanusa 9 None EF Space Warp 2