Ultimate Doomsday Machine

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Revision as of 14:59, 3 February 2012 by Seanla4350 (talk | contribs)

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"An ultimate machine made for ultimate doomsdays!"


One of five total contest rewards from the screenshot contest that was held shortly after Client 2 Beta was ended. The winners were Camsy, playerboy345, topbuzz and Thermal. Note that topbuzz took the grand slam and was rewarded with two rewards for winning two classes in the contest. All the contest rewards are just graphical changes to their respective ships, and there is no change what so ever in stats - only in the name, description and in the ship skin graphic.

Poseidon's Crown - playerboy345 Hephaestus Crystal Machine - topbuzz Demonic Wattage - topbuzz Ancient Monster Scout - Camsy Ultimate Doomsday Machine - Thermal