Pitch Black

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Revision as of 06:08, 28 March 2011 by Gundamrules2003 (talk | contribs) (History)

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Pitch Black Flag.png


The team was formed by Myter, Dom and McNary when the Quantum Reach team split happened. While many players shifted to [[UnderDawgs]. Notable additions to the team include Sodomy,Gateway, Lord Of The Underworld, Br0ken (Nukka's Return). A small but progressively busy team of builders and CA's. Pitch Black's political affiliations within the Star Sonata community have yet to be revealed, but since they have not been in any major wars with anyone it is safe to assume they have some ties to other teams of one type or another. Pitch Black has also showed very steady and strong growth in both their player base and presence in the Star Sonata World. Pitch Black consists mostly of players over the age of 20 with focus on cooperative game play and mature out look to playing Star Sonata. If you think you are the type of person Pitch Black would be interested in recruiting message one of the following people "mcnary", "GQ88", Richard B Riddick", "Myter", and or "ywigundamrules2003" as they are on in some form most of the time.


  • mcnary [Director]
  • Richard B Riddick [Councillor]
  • mrwoo [Councillor]
  • -Death-Is-All-Around-Us- [Officer]
  • Aanakin [Officer]
  • Affliction [Officer]
  • Annakin [Officer]
  • Apc4me [Officer]
  • BlackHearted [Officer]
  • Brando951 [Officer]
  • Capt Monkey Nutz [Officer]
  • Chewbacca [Officer]
  • Commander Johnson [Officer]
  • Crunchy Nutter [Officer]
  • D.O.M [Officer]
  • Dark_Light [Officer]
  • Darkness Rising [Officer]
  • Demonicus [Officer]
  • Dorei [Officer]
  • Dr Tran [Officer]
  • Ebay [Officer]
  • Enforcer Taslhof Burfoot [Officer]
  • Fame and Fortune [Officer]
  • GQ88 [Officer]
  • Galahad [Officer]
  • Gandalf Grey [Officer]
  • Gilamesh [Officer]
  • Infineon [Officer]
  • J.O.A.T.'S [Officer]
  • Jabreu [Officer]
  • Kilroth [Officer]
  • LastRide [Officer]
  • Lt Smoker [Officer]
  • MC [Officer]
  • MYTER [Officer]
  • Makskip [Officer]
  • Megan [Officer]
  • Monknary [Officer]
  • Nculvo [Officer]
  • Obi 1 Kenobi [Officer]
  • Patriot [Officer]
  • Pessimistic [Officer]
  • Princess Tigerlily [Officer]
  • Razgriz [Officer]
  • SPIFF 3000 [Officer]
  • Seika [Officer]
  • SpankAzz [Officer]
  • Star Trooper [Officer]
  • Strength and Honor [Officer]
  • Toni Toni Chopper [Officer]
  • Tsuki [Officer]
  • Verus [Officer]
  • Veruss [Officer]
  • Vorago [Officer]
  • WAYNEY [Officer]
  • angelicus [Officer]
  • core_unit [Officer]
  • curiosity [Officer]
  • dontshootme [Officer]
  • dose-monkey [Officer]
  • hellraiser [Officer]
  • infernosabre [Officer]
  • luna_sombra [Officer]
  • matt2014 [Officer]
  • mcnary jr [Officer]
  • nalthraxus [Officer]
  • ormegano [Officer]
  • patriot7 [Officer]
  • some1better [Officer]
  • special request [Officer]
  • stationmeister [Officer]
  • strawberrycheesecake [Officer]
  • strawberrymilkshake [Officer]
  • strawberrypancakes [Officer]
  • the whole nar [Officer]
  • wdn [Officer]
  • ywigundamrules2003 [Officer]
  • -13- [Operator]
  • Brooke [Soldier]
  • Holuo [Soldier]
  • Leonadies [Soldier]
  • beachy7 [Soldier]
  • squirell [Soldier]

Team information

SSTR: Pitch Black
Team forum