Olympus Missions

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All of these missions require level 1000 to start.

Investigate the Pretenders

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Investigate the Pretenders
Investigate the Pretenders

      "By Zeus! This is an affront to all held holy here in the Lyceum!"

      "Simon, have you heard of the Thrones of Olympus? What?! Have you at least heard of Olympus?! Hmmmph.
For someone so eager to access our technologies I would have imagined you would have at least -- glanced -- over our histories.

      "Anyway. Eons ago our ancestors on Terra worshipped a council of Gods; a kind of dodekatheon if you would like.
These twelve Gods ruled from the sacred mount of Olympus and our people flourished under their watchful eyes.
Eventually we grew to no longer need them yet their presence had become part of our cultural identity and even to this day do we honor them.

      "Yes, the twelve seated on magnificent thrones atop Mount Olympus;
Zeus, Hera, Demeter, Poseidon, Hades, Aphrodite, Apollo, Ares, Artemis, Athena, Dionysis, Hermes and Hephaestus!
These names hold a reverent place in our thoughts still... so to hear they've returned?
It has surely caused quite a stir amongst us. 
      "Simon if you would, go to Olympus and verify or refute these rumors. Make haste, this is of paramount importance to us!"

* Credits given: 1000000
* Experience given.

Explore Olympus and try to determine what is going on there

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Investigate the Pretenders
Investigate the Pretenders

      "I see... This is nothing short of sacrelege! These are not our Gods... They're... Alien entities simply -- pretending?!
Why they do little more than sully the great names of our Gods! This insolence... it's -- why it's -- outrageous!
      "Simon, this mockery mustn't continue even another second. Perhaps you can help us... Mete justice upon these -- blasphemers."

Key Missions

Hephaestus Key

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Hephaestus Key
Hephaestus Key

      "It would seem these -- "Gods" -- have locked themselves away in order to avoid the inevitable retribution they knew would be wrought.
We shan't let such a cowardly act thwart the vengence we've honed and prepared.
      "My top researchers here have discovered a way to breach the gate to Hephaestus' Forge.
Return to Olympus and carve a swathe of destruction through the system!
With remains from the profane pretender's station and a tribute to the true Hephaestus we can form a key that will grant us access to the forge.
      "Then can we see if this -- pretender -- makes a worthy sacrifice to the true rulers of Olympus!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Hephaestus Key

Destroy Olympus Station and bring a fragment plus an Hephaestus augmenter in order to construct an Hephaestus key

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Hephaestus Key
Hephaestus Key

      "Yes! With this key you can enter the Forge of Hephaestus!
Soon shall this blasphemer be devoured by his own words -- slagged in his own forge!"

Poseidon Key

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Poseidon Key
Poseidon Key

      "The true Poseidon would not have locked himself away from his enemies! No! He would not indeed.
He would take action, stir the seas, shake the earth and rain chaos upon those who opposed him!
He would never have cowardly hidden behind a closed door!

      "What luck then that my top researchers here have discovered a way to breach the gate and exact our vengence on this forgery!
Return to Olympus and carve a swathe of destruction through the system!
With remains from the profane pretender's station and a tribute to the absolute Earthshaker we can form a key
-- a key that will give us access to this false-god's unholy sanctum!

      "Then can we see if this -- pretender -- truely wields the power he claims!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Poseidon Key

Destroy Olympus Station and bring a fragment plus a Poseidon augmenter in order to construct a Poseidon key

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Poseidon Key
Poseidon Key

      "Ha! With this key 'Poseidon' is no longer safe! The only shaking he shall do is in fear
-- in fear of the just retribution which is surely on its way through the aether!"

Ares Key

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Ares Key
Ares Key

      "Hmmm... so 'Ares' has locked himself away in his Arena? Unfortunately for him his hiding spot is hardly impenetrable.
      "Some of the finest here at Lyceum have sacrificed many hours and found a way to gain access to Ares' Arena
-- soon he shall have a challenge larger than his grandious boasts! Return to Olympus and lay waste to all unholy
-- with remains from the station and a tribute to the greatness of the true Warbringer we can form a key and gain access to that pretender's arena!
      "His blasphemies will be quickly silenced when unable to hide out of our reach!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Ares Key

Destroy Olympus Station and bring a fragment plus an Ares augmenter in order to construct an Ares key

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Ares Key
Ares Key

      "The time has come! Let us silence the 'Warbringer'!
He shall feel the sting of his own words and fear the strength of the true Ares!"

Zeus Key

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Zeus Key
Zeus Key

      "Zeus. King of the Gods indeed!
      "Would Zeus have hidden himself away behind a locked gate cowering in fear?! No. No, not at all!
He would come down from his seat on Olympus and strike fear into our hearts -- not the other way around!
      "Some of our best researchers here have found a way to gain access to this pretender Zeus.
His sacreligious mockery shan't continue much longer. Return to Olympus and destroy it all
-- with remains from the station and a tribute to the awesome might of the true Zeus we can form a key granting access to this pretenders lair!
      "Yes. When he can no longer hide from our wrathful vengence... His uppance shall be swift!"

* Experience given.
* Reward: Zeus Key

Destroy Olympus Station and bring a fragment plus a Zeus augmenter in order to construct a Zeus key

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Zeus Key
Zeus Key

      "So. It is done? We shall make this heathen fear the true might of Zeus, the lightning-throwing God of Gods!"

Shard Missions

Fire Shard

Must have completed Hephaestus Key Mission to start.

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Fire Shard
Fire Shard

      "Now is the time to deal with he who mocks Hephaestus!
      "Simon, honor our Gods and go! Traverse the gate to Hephaestus' Forge and slay the pretender who cowardly blasphemes there!
      "Be wary though. This is not a task you should take alone. Though this entity who mocks the Forgemaster is a coward
-- he is powerful enough to put up a fight if forced.
      "Gather your allies, Simon and let those who dare mock the mastery of Hephaestus taste the vengence he's forged for them.
May his strength be with you!" 

* Reward: Fire Shard

Slay the pretender Hephaestus

Storm Shard

Must have completed Poseidon Key Mission to start.

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Storm Shard
Storm Shard

      "Too long has the one who mocks Poseidon spread his blasphemies!
      "Simon, we have a favor to ask of you. Would you honor our Gods and bring this coward his righteous justice?
Shake the earth from beneath his feet and drown him in an unmerciful sea of vengence!
      "Take heart though, he is indeed powerful and this task is one that shan't be attempted without the aid of friends.
This... pretender ... Poseidon may be a heathen; but he can and will fight to protect himself.
      "So gather you forces and go Simon. Go and show -- Posdeidon -- the true might of an Earthshaker." 

* Reward: Storm Shard

Slay the pretender Poseidon

Tech 21 Skill Missions

Each of these missions require level 20 in their respective skill to start.

Skill Fire Storm Strife Lightning Cloud Mercury Credits
Radar 5 2 0 0 7 1b
Equipment 4 3 0 0 7 1b
Shielding 2 4 1 0 7 1b
Cloaking 1 4 2 0 7 1b
Electrical Engineering 1 3 3 0 7 1b
Weaponry 0 2 4 1 7 1b
Drone Deployment 0 0 4 3 7 1b
Piloting 0 0 2 5 7 1b

Tech 21 Radar Skill

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Tech 21 Radar Skill
Tech 21 Radar Skill

Bring 2 Storm Shards, 5 Fire Shards, and 7 Cloud Mercury to train radar level 21

      "Simon, acts of heroism shan't ever go unrewarded here at the Lyceum -- especially those done in honor of our Gods.
Should you prove yourself we could perhaps let you use our neurotraining facilities.
      "Deliver proof of your actions -- say two Storm Shards and five Fire Shards
-- as well as seven Cloud Mercury to facilitate the neural imprinting and we shall grant you access to our most advanced neurotraining!"

* Reward Skill: Radar through lvl 21

credits cost:1000000000
0 / 2 Storm Shard obtained
0 / 5 Fire Shard obtained
0 / 7 Cloud Mercury obtained
21/21 skill points.

Tech 21 Equipment Skill

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Tech 21 Equipment Skill
Tech 21 Equipment Skill

Bring 3 Storm Shards, 4 Fire Shards, and 7 Cloud Mercury to train equipment level 21

      "Simon, acts of heroism shan't ever go unrewarded here at the Lyceum -- especially those done in honor of our Gods.
Should you prove yourself we could perhaps let you use our neurotraining facilities.

      "Deliver proof of your actions -- say three Storm Shards and four Fire Shards
-- as well as seven Cloud Mercury to facilitate the neural imprinting and we shall grant you access to our most advanced neurotraining!"

* Reward Skill: Equipment through lvl 21

credits cost:1000000000
0 / 3 Storm Shard obtained
0 / 4 Fire Shard obtained
0 / 7 Cloud Mercury obtained
21/21 skill points.

Tech 21 Shields Skill

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Tech 21 Shields Skill
Tech 21 Shields Skill

Bring 1 Strife Shard, 4 Storm Shards, 2 Fire Shards, and 7 Cloud Mercury to train shields level 21

     "Simon, acts of heroism shan't ever go unrewarded here at the Lyceum -- especially those done in honor of our Gods.
Should you prove yourself we could perhaps let you use our neurotraining facilities.

      "Deliver proof of your actions -- say one Strife Shard, four Storm Shards and two Fire Shards
-- as well as seven Cloud Mercury to facilitate the neural imprinting and we shall grant you access to our most advanced neurotraining!"

* Reward Skill: Shielding through lvl 21

credits cost:1000000000
0 / 1 Strife Shard obtained
0 / 4 Storm Shard obtained
0 / 2 Fire Shard obtained
0 / 7 Cloud Mercury obtained
21/21 skill points.

Tech 21 Cloak Skill

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Tech 21 Cloak Skill
Tech 21 Cloak Skill

Bring 2 Strife Shards, 4 Storm Shards, 1 Fire Shard, and 7 Cloud Mercury to train cloak level 21

      "Simon, acts of heroism shan't ever go unrewarded here at the Lyceum -- especially those done in honor of our Gods.
Should you prove yourself we could perhaps let you use our neurotraining facilities.

     "Deliver proof of your actions -- say two Strife Shards, four Storm Shards and one Fire Shard
-- as well as seven Cloud Mercury to facilitate the neural imprinting and we shall grant you access to our most advanced neurotraining!"

* Reward Skill: Cloaking through lvl 21

credits cost:1000000000
0 / 2 Strife Shard obtained
0 / 4 Storm Shard obtained
0 / 1 Fire Shard obtained
0 / 7 Cloud Mercury obtained
21/21 skill points.

Tech 21 Energy Skill

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Tech 21 Energy Skill
Tech 21 Energy Skill

Bring 3 Strife Shards, 3 Storm Shards, 1 Fire Shard, and 7 Cloud Mercury to train energy level 21

      "Simon, acts of heroism shan't ever go unrewarded here at the Lyceum -- especially those done in honor of our Gods.
Should you prove yourself we could perhaps let you use our neurotraining facilities.

      "Deliver proof of your actions -- say three Strife Shards, three Storm Shards and one Fire Shard
-- as well as seven Cloud Mercury to facilitate the neural imprinting and we shall grant you access to our most advanced neurotraining!"

* Reward Skill: Electrical Engineering through lvl 21

credits cost:1000000000
0 / 3 Strife Shard obtained
0 / 3 Storm Shard obtained
0 / 1 Fire Shard obtained
0 / 7 Cloud Mercury obtained
21/21 skill points.

Tech 21 Weapons Skill

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Tech 21 Weapons Skill
Tech 21 Weapons Skill

Bring 1 Lightning Shard, 4 Strife Shards, 2 Storm Shards, and 7 Cloud Mercury to train weapons level 21

      "Simon, acts of heroism shan't ever go unrewarded here at the Lyceum -- especially those done in honor of our Gods.
Should you prove yourself we could perhaps let you use our neurotraining facilities.

      "Deliver proof of your actions -- say one Lightning Shard, four Strife Shards and two Storm Shards
-- as well as seven Cloud Mercury to facilitate the neural imprinting and we shall grant you access to our most advanced neurotraining!"

* Reward Skill: Weaponry through lvl 21

credits cost:1000000000
0 / 1 Lightning Shard obtained
0 / 4 Strife Shard obtained
0 / 2 Storm Shard obtained
0 / 7 Cloud Mercury obtained
21/21 skill points.

Tech 21 Drones Skill

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Tech 21 Drones Skill
Tech 21 Drones Skill

Bring 3 Lightning Shards, 4 Strife Shards, and 7 Cloud Mercury to train drones level 21

      "Simon, acts of heroism shan't ever go unrewarded here at the Lyceum -- especially those done in honor of our Gods.
Should you prove yourself we could perhaps let you use our neurotraining facilities.

      "Deliver proof of your actions -- say three Lightning Shards and four Strife Shards
-- as well as seven Cloud Mercury to facilitate the neural imprinting and we shall grant you access to our most advanced neurotraining!"

* Reward Skill: Drone Deployment through lvl 21

credits cost:1000000000
0 / 3 Lightning Shard obtained
0 / 4 Strife Shard obtained
0 / 7 Cloud Mercury obtained
4/4 skill points.

Tech 21 Piloting Skill

Location: Lyceum, Lyceum

  • Agent: Aristotle 3000
  • Mission: Tech 21 Piloting Skill
Tech 21 Piloting Skill

Bring 5 Lightning Shards, 2 Strife Shards, and 7 Cloud Mercury to train piloting level 21

      "Simon, acts of heroism shan't ever go unrewarded here at the Lyceum -- especially those done in honor of our Gods.
Should you prove yourself we could perhaps let you use our neurotraining facilities.

      "Deliver proof of your actions -- say five Lightning Shards and two Strife Shards
-- as well as seven Cloud Mercury to facilitate the neural imprinting and we shall grant you access to our most advanced neurotraining!"

* Reward Skill: Piloting through lvl 21

credits cost:1000000000
0 / 5 Lightning Shard obtained
0 / 2 Strife Shard obtained
0 / 7 Cloud Mercury obtained
21/21 skill points.

Zebu Titan Missions

Fake Gods

Location: Real Final Flight School, Rumble Mumble

  • Agent: Finnius Ogalthorpe
  • Mission: Fake Gods
Fake Gods

"Simon !! These four big guys came to my workshop!
They claimed to be Gods and wanted the blueprint for my latest creation.
What these fake so called Gods dont know is that I gave them a fake blueprint!
How dare they come here to steal my inventions?!
Help me teach them a lesson and I will share my latest creation with you"

* Reward: Zebu Titan

0 / 1 Pretender Ares eliminated
0 / 1 Pretender Hephaestus eliminated
0 / 1 Pretender Poseidon eliminated
0 / 1 Pretender Zeus eliminated

Teach the fake Gods a lesson and return to Finnius Ogalthorpe