Missile Factories

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Missile Factories

Converter TL Size Item Produced Rate of Production Items/Credits Required Periodic Costs'  in 10 minutes'
Weight Mastery Needed Source Comment Description
Small Kinetic Production Mk. I

Ammo crate - Small Kinetic Type I

Small Kinetic Production Mk. II

Ammo crate - Small Kinetic Type II

Small Kinetic Production Mk. III

Ammo crate - Small Kinetic Type III

Medium Kinetic Production Mk. I

Ammo crate - Medium Kinetic Type I

Medium Kinetic Production Mk. II

Ammo crate - Medium Kinetic Type II

Medium Kinetic Production Mk. III

Ammo crate - Medium Kinetic Type III

Large Kinetic Production Mk. I

Ammo crate - Large Kinetic Type I

Large Kinetic Production Mk. II

Ammo crate - Large Kinetic Type II

Large Kinetic Production Mk. III

Ammo crate - Large Kinetic Type III

Small AP Production Mk. I

Ammo crate - Small AP Type I

Small AP Production Mk. II

Ammo crate - Small AP Type II

Small AP Production Mk. III

Ammo crate - Small AP Type III

Medium AP Production Mk. I

Ammo crate - Medium AP Type I

Medium AP Production Mk. II

Ammo crate - Medium AP Type II

Medium AP Production Mk. III

Ammo crate - Medium AP Type III

Large AP Production Mk. I 16 10 Ammo crate - Large AP Type I

1700 nuclear waste, 850 metals
750k credits

BP - Hyperion mission

Birds pre-pepped and set to launch in a lunch box nano-factory
Large AP Production Mk. II

Ammo crate - Large AP Type II

BP - Hyperion mission

Large AP Production Mk. III 20
Ammo crate - Large AP Type III

8500 nuclear waste, 4250 metals
1,25M credits

BP - Hyperion mission

Birds pre-pepped and set to launch in a lunch box nano-factory
Red Photon missile factory 20 10 Red Photon plasma missile crates
20k nuclear waste, 2 plasma crystalls
2,5M credits  18,000 none Red Photon
Stuff in, Missiles out. No questions asked