From Starsonata Wiki
The Porpoise+ is very similar to the Pax ships though much faster, and built from a blueprint (which is available from Lunacy, 8mil). It is a rare hull being very similar to the Equanimizer. It has good resistances; 50% to all except radiation, it has a 50% weakness to surgical. It's Surgical weakness makes the Porpoise+ weak to Bonnet drones.
- Tech: 17
- Hull: 550
- Max Speed: 99
- Size: 58
- Visibility: 40
- Augmenters: 3
- Weapons: 5
- Protections:
- 50% Energy
- 50% Heat
- 50% Laser
- 50% Mining
- 50% Physical
- -50% Surgical
- Heavy Fighter
- Weight:
- Inbuilt Elec: 40/1.0 Second
- Description: elegance and class
- Item Form Size: