Mzungu Angani

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The home galaxy of the Mzungu, Mzungu Angani is populated by several massive colonies. It is regularly patroled by the Miliki Mzungu.

Surrounding the gate to The Neutral Zone is a ring of Mzungu Iko drones. These drones fire a Scorch's Immolation and cannot easily be captured without a gunner to help.

Southwest of the main sector containing the colonies is a giant asteroid, which is spiraling down towards the Mzungu home planet.

There are three AI stations in Mzungu Angani, one of which is owned by the Miliki Mzungu. The others, however are not owned by anyone, and can be safe haven for those who have attacked the Miliki Mzungu, whether intentional or otherwise.

Occasionally, an UrQuan fighter manages to slip past the defenses and begins harassing the stationed Mzungu forces.


3 bases



Unique Items Sold




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