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* A helping of permanent drones (e.g. Industrial <Tier> Defenders are a popular healing choice, built into most stations) that will all but surely slowly die off from termites
* A helping of permanent drones (e.g. Industrial <Tier> Defenders are a popular healing choice, built into most stations) that will all but surely slowly die off from termites
Since termites have specific resist holes, a variety of weapons is suggested with emphasis on pulse guns for high dps:
Since termites have specific resist holes (but no invulnerability), a variety of weapons is suggested with emphasis on pulse guns for high dps:
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{| class="wikitable"  

Revision as of 19:01, 12 August 2024


Every galaxy in Wild Space excluding Fractured Galaxies can have stations/drones and become the target of Termites. Termites are hostile forces that lay siege upon galaxies requiring you to properly defend your stations. The offer no experience, items, or credits.

Termite Infestation

Once a galaxy has a termite mound spawns, a message will be displayed in team chat, and at the end of the team message seen whenever logging in. The termites will first send solo scouts, and later after a week has passed, the termites will enter siege mode where stronger variants of termites are sent in groups for a period of 3 hours.

Termite mounds are near indestructable, and because they offer no reward to clearing, nor does clearing a mound prohibit future termite spawns, it is inadvisable to attempt at clearing one.

Termites will always focus a random target (station or permanent drone) when scouting/sieging and send attacks until either an amount of time has passed and they change targets, or the target dies (stations that are destroyed will lose 1% of their inventory and become abandoned after a week).

Termites are easiest in common galaxies, but quickly become more dangerous in uncommon, rare, and exotic galaxy tiers. The higher the tier, the better your defenses need be. However, a station setup/loadout that works at one tier is highly likely to work on all others of that tier.

Termite Frequency

Termites are inevitable, albeit at a random interval, roughly one spawn per three weeks. The interval is adjusted in an additive fashion based on events in the galaxy.

Termites will have much shorter intervals when:

  • The galaxy becomes unowned
  • Any station enters destroyed or abandoned state during the scout phase (i.e. before full termite waves are being sent)
  • On at least two occasions a station enters destroyed or abandoned state after the scout stage is concluded.
  • (Minor effect) a station entered a destroyed or abandoned state on exactly one occasion and it was after the scout stage was concluded

Termites will have longer intervals (but not longer than the default rate) if an entire infestation concludes without any of the above events.

Suggested Defenses

Stations should be strong enough to ward off termites independently in each planet-moon cluster. There are no healing station kits (HPS) anymore.

This involves:

  • High enough station kit tech level
  • High enough station kit tier at a given tech level
  • Sufficient strength Base Gear
  • Sufficient strength Base Items
  • Sufficient station skills such as Station Tweaking, Imperial Tweaking, Station Research.
  • Correct Trade Skill chosen and maxed out to level 30 (e.g. a MFM character should never hold a kit)
  • A helping of permanent drones (e.g. Industrial <Tier> Defenders are a popular healing choice, built into most stations) that will all but surely slowly die off from termites

Since termites have specific resist holes (but no invulnerability), a variety of weapons is suggested with emphasis on pulse guns for high dps:

Termite Suffix Vulnerability
En Energy
He Heat
Mi Mining
La Laser
Pi Physical
Su Surgical
Ga Any


The scourge of the universe, termites are despised by all base-builders. Originally created to eliminate low-leveled bases (as they have been reported to cause lag), it is not uncommon for termites to assault higher-leveled bases. Their armies, spawned from a simple termite mound, wreak havoc on entire star systems. Many a base has fallen to these insatiably hungry pests. Most termites belong on team Grubbies.


Every mound and infestation has a simple beginning - they are created, deadly armies and all, by the simple termite larva. These minuscule, hard-to-see creatures wander in from the far reaches of warp-3, galaxy to galaxy, until they see a place that suits their needs. Their selection process is unknown, but they will only spawn a termite mound within a galaxy that has player-built bases or drones. Sometimes they will venture into warp 2, warp 1, and even warp 0! Once the mound is complete, the little wandering termite continues on its way.

The Growing Mound

Termite mounds periodically evolve, growing another "arm" which can create even more termites. As a mound grows more arms, it obtains more armaments. They can grow from no arms all the way up six arms. There is even a rare chance of evolving past the 6 arms. Combined with their personal termite guards, these mounds are incredibly difficult to destroy. Their nests, although lurking up to 15,000 distance units from any one wormhole, are nonetheless very easy to see. However, the actual destruction of such mounds should be left up to higher-leveled players, since they are as difficult to obliterate as most player bases themselves. It can be done, but since the termite mound only has a lifespan of one or two days players generally leave the bigger mounds alone, trusting (with sometimes disastrous results) that their defenses will be more than enough to defeat any termite mob.

It is highly, highly recommended to weed out an infestation before it grows any stronger, or better yet - annihilate all termite larvae you see in sight!

'You Call That An Army? This Is An Army!'

The mound will generate termites of increasingly higher level that orbit around their birthplace. It is unknown what sets them off, but after a certain number are ready, they assault, as a group, any player structures in the same galaxy. Only after some hours have passed or their complete destruction (targets or otherwise) will they desist, until the next group arrives.

Eventually, termites start having resistances and weaknesses to different weapon types, culminating, in the highest levels, being vulnerable to only one weapon type. In fact, they are 100% resistant to all other types of damage. For example, "Termite En" can only be injured by energy damage, which it is very weak to. A list of weaknesses depicted by name is below.

En = Energy

He = Heat

Mi = Mining

La = Laser

Pi = Physical

Su = Surgical

As an additional example, if you see a 'Termite He', heat weapons will be extraordinarily powerful against it.

There are other termites that have generic names, such as 'Termite Ga'. These has no particular weaknesses, but can be harmed by all damage types.

It should also be noticed that killing termites won't give you any XP.

List of Termites

All the different termites that you might encounter, and some you hopefully never will.

Most termites can be recognized being modeled after a certain AI.

All termite species are fully immune to physical and radiation damage, save for the types that are weak against those damage types.

Termite Larva

The smallest of the termites. This AI roams in from warp-3, and will find a likely galaxy where a player has built in to create its mound. The worker of the termite army.


  • Hull: 58
  • Max Speed: 20
  • Size: 10
  • Visibility: 25
  • Augmenters: 2
  • Weapons: 2
  • 100% Protection from Radiation
  • Light Fighter
  • Description: 'Termite0'

The termite larva has extraordinary resistances and regeneration; most low-tech weapons will not even dent its shields.

Termite Fu

Modeled After Tear

Termite Ga

Termite Gu

Termite Gi

Termite Ki

Termite Ku

Termite Ka

Termite KuMi

Termite KuPi

Killed by zebra torp

Termite KuEn

Termite KuHe

Termite KuLa

Termite KuSu

Termite Adum

An administrator-spawned termite, immune to all damage types.


  • Hull: 50000
  • Max Speed: 350
  • Size: 30
  • Visibility: 25
  • Augmenters: 2
  • Weapons: 2
  • 100% Protection from Physical, Energy, Laser, Surgical, Heat, Mining & Radiation
  • Light Fighter
  • Description: 'Termite0'

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