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Random DG loot:
Random DG loot:
*[[Compressed Mining Dampener Blueprint]]
*[[Compressed Mining Dampener Blueprint]]
*[[Augmenters|Speedy/Spacy Std. Augmenters]]
'''Micron version'''
'''Micron version'''

Revision as of 01:56, 11 April 2013

Speedy Gonzales in action.

"Speed, I am speed!"

Speedy Gonzales is a uber AI who flies an incredibly fast Zebu Master+. Be warned when picking a fight with him, because with one false move he may turn his armament of multi-firing Ethereal Laser U beams and Zig Zag and Swirls on you!

He is known to drop the valuable Bule Magnetoplasmadynamic Thruster, his special Gonzales Augmenter, Neutronion, and the coveted Zebu Master+ blueprint.

Speedy Gonzales is found in Speedy Gonzales' Private Racetrack in Micron.

Unique loot:

Random DG loot:

Micron version


  • "Ohmythatwasntverynice!
  • "Illhavetoteachyousomemannersnowseeifyoucanhitmeevenoncehaha!"

After being killed:

  • "BahIalmosthadyoubutthenyouvefired that one shot I couldn't dodge and...I'm...slooooooooowwwwiiiiing...dooooooooooooo..."

Random DG version


  • "Eepwhosthatyouknowitisntnicetoshowupuninvitedright?"
  • "Illhavetoteachyousomemannersnowseeifyoucanhitmeevenoncehaha!"

After being killed:

  • "Ratslookslike I wasn't...fast...enough..."

To meet the quality standards of the Star Sonata Wiki, this ship page may require a list of the AI's Gear, or it has a list for one version, and needs a list for another version. For a list of all articles marked with this tag check out the category.