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(New page: ==== Investigation and Infiltration ==== Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol *Agent: Constable McIntyre *Mission: Outer Rim Investigation Outer Rim Investigation You enter Eart...) |
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Latest revision as of 09:00, 9 June 2011
Investigation and Infiltration
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Outer Rim Investigation
Outer Rim Investigation You enter Earthforce Headquarters and everyone looks rather worried. "You there, Simon. Are you the messenger from the Outer Rim? No?" Constable McIntyre breathes a deep sigh and continues. "It's just been so long since we've heard from our officers in the Outer Rim, here at headquarters we're getting a bit worried. If that's not enough, all our other officers are too busy with the Blue Pirates, so we can't send a team to investigate! Hey, you look decent enough to hold your own out there, how about you go see what's going on. We here at Earthforce could really use that kind of help right now." * Experience given. Summary Verify or disprove the rumors coming from the Outer Rim. Someone at one of the stations in that region should be able to help.
Location: Random Station, Random Warp 1 Galaxy
- Agent: Earthforce Agent
- Mission: Outer Rim Investigation
Outer Rim Investigation Hell is it good to finally see someone from HQ out here! We've been unable to send a messenger for weeks since the ones we do send get captured, and being under siege, it's hard to get supply shipments in. I think you might be able to help us more here, let me prepare a message for HQ.
Location: Random Station, Random Warp 1 Galaxy
- Agent: Earthforce Agent
- Mission: Incriminating Evidence
Incriminating Evidence The Earthforce Agent returns and hands you a datadisc. "This disc has a message for HQ as well as a holorecording of the latest attack. Earthforce was too busy fending off the Blue Pirates, so busy that they didn't give proper attention to the Infernal Faction. Well, you see what mess we're in here because of that. Get this to my commanders in Sol, once they see it they'll take action against this band of rouges." * Credits given: 250000 * Experience given. Summary Deliver the Datadisc to Constable McIntyre in Sol. It contains extremely important evidence so be quick and be careful.
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Incriminating Evidence
Incriminating Evidence Constable McIntyre plays back the recording and has a very grim look. He turns to you. "Thank you Simon, this was a very important message and it needed to get through. By risking all to deliver this, you have done Earthforce a great service and we shall not forget it. If only we had more officers to go and deal with the Infernal Faction in the Outer Rim..." Constable McIntyre sits down and starts to think. "Simon, you've already proven you have what it takes to serve Earthforce, how about you sign up for service and then we could send you to deal with the Infernal Faction. How's that sound Constable Simon?"
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Undercover
Undercover Good to see you here for the briefing, we're sending you on assignment. The Infernal Faction used to be a small time organization, so small that we here at Headquarters never considered them a security threat, and left the Merchants Guild to deal with their petty pirate raids. But, it seems that we were wrong. For some reason, they've started hitting larger convoys and even attacking stations in the Outer Rim areas! After analyzing the data in that holorecording, we think we have some idea of what's going on. They're building up resources! Why they've started to amass building materials we have no idea, but it can't be good. Now, this is where you come in. We need you to infiltrate the Infernal Faction, to go undercover and find out what they're up to. After planting a tracking beacon on one of their fighters, we've managed to locate their hideout, so you should probably start there. This isn't going to be easy, so be careful Simon. * Experience given. Summary Infiltrate the Infernal Faction. To do this, you'll need to blend in, and you can find refitted Inferno Class heavy fighters in Glass Matrix to help. You've been given map data to their hideout, so head out.
Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest
- Agent: Deep Orange
- Mission: Undercover
Undercover Upon exiting your ship, you are greeted by a large glowing photosensor. *DEEP ORANGE TO INITIATE 05947. Welcome to the Infernal Faction initiate number ZERO FIVE NINE FOUR SEVEN. You will be trained and indoctrinated fitting the masters orders. You will learn to think as he does. You will serve the Infernal Faction with your life. Failure to do so will result in death by the master or another party. Report back here for further assignment.*
Loyalty Test: Kill the Earthforce captive
Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest
- Agent: Deep Orange
- Mission: Loyalty Test
Loyalty Test *The master requires that all initiates prove their loyalty before further training is administered. For this purpose the master has imprisoned captives within this galaxy. You are to terminate these captives. Failure to comply will result in your termination. Success will result with further training and placement into one of the masters programs. Simon TO CONTAINMENT THREE.* * Experience given. * Reward: Infernal Battery * Reward: Firestream Summary You've been asked to show where your loyalty to the Infernal Faction. Enter the Holding Cell and destroy whatever prisoners awaits you there.
Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest
- Agent: Doktor Kobaldstein
- Mission: Loyalty Test
Loyalty Test Upon your return you at stopped by a man veiled in shadow. "Hallo Simon. Based on your performance thus far, du are zu be assigned zu me, so allow me zu introduce mein selbst. Ich bin Doktor Kobaldstein". The man steps out of the shadows to reveal a rather statuesque yet eccentric human. "Du are zu be given access zu mein laboratories and du musst research für mich. Hier, take these, they vill help du with your further assignments".
Field Research
Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest
- Agent: Doktor Kobaldstein
- Mission: Constructautomaton 4000
Field Research Ah Simon, the time ist now für dein erste assignment. Jetzt, the Infernal Faction ist not ready zu assault something as grosse as Earthforce, so ich hab been vorking on harnessing the power of the sun my laboratory orbits. Solar Radiation can produce levels of energy that astound most, aber sadly du musst be close zu the sun that produce this radiation zu utilize it. Vith my neue technique ich have found a vay zu capture this power, and zu allow it zu be stored in an Infernal Cell und dann released spater. Ich need du zu go und fabricate these cells für mich, so ich can vork on increasing their power output. My supercomputer Deep Orange vill instruct you further on how zu complete this task für mich. Auf weidersehen. * Credits given: 1000000 * Experience given. Summary Doktor Kobaldstein has sent you to create Infernal Cells and deliver them to him. Earthforce would be very interested in these, perhaps you should deliver them to Headquarters in Sol instead.
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Field Research
Field Research Excellent Work Simon! These power cells you've brought to us will be sent to our scientists right away for analysis! You may have done it, this data could give us insight as to exactly what the Infernal Faction is planning! We'll give you some R and R for a job well done, but get back here right away!
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Research Grants? TERMINATED!
Research Grants? TERMINATED! Simon, the scientists here at HQ have finished analyzing the power cores your brought to us, and we know at least this. Those are a source of energy that we here at Earthforce could only dream of discovering. The technology.. it's years beyond what we can manufacture, impossible for us to even consider replicating. With the Infernal Faction producing something that can store and release that much juice, there is no telling what they could pull off.. perhaps even a direct attack on Sol if they could create enough! The Infernal Faction is now a serious security threat, and they must be dealt with immediately! Simon, you need to go back to Infernal Tempest, and take out Doktor Kobaldstein, this is the only way we can stop this from getting any worse. While you're there, it wouldn't hurt to get a hold of his research data either, these power cells would be a great advantage for Earthforce and that should tell us how to make them. Good Luck. * Credits given: 2500000 * Experience given. Summary It's time to take the Infernal Faction down. Go out and destroy Kobaldstein and recover his research data.
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Research Grants? TERMINATED!
Research Grants? TERMINATED! Hmm.. We thought taking out the Doctor would cause the faction to crumble, it seems we were wrong. Doktor Kobaldstein had to report to someone even higher up, someone known only as 'Diablo'. Our work is far from over, but before we start tracking down the actual leader of those pirates, we need to finish shutting down the Doktors program. Get back here at oh-nine hundred for the briefing Simon. By then we should have more intel for you.
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Into the Inferno
Into the Inferno Before Earthforce makes it move against Diablo, we need you Simon to mop up the remnants of Doktor Kobaldstein's project. Reviewing the Doktors research data gave us vital information as to exactly what was going on in there, and exactly what needs to be shut down. First, he has apprentices that are mining the key elements of his Infernal Core, they then deliver those resources to depots near the asteroid belts, where they are picked up and delivered to his labs by Infernal Bulks. You need to stop the Miners and the Bulks. After you've taken out his supply chain, you have to destroy his Solar Collection Stations. He has ten orbiting The Inferno, and they can collect mass amounts of radiation from that star thus fueling his project. Finally, you have to destroy the Omega Lab. The majority of the Infernal Cells are produced there, and we have to hit that target before the faction can manufacture more. After you've stopped all production from the labs in Infernal Tempest, get back here. We'll be working on plans to take out Diablo. Recon shows that there is increased security in the area now, so good luck Simon, and be careful. * Credits given: 4500000 * Experience given. * Reward: Constable's Blocker Summary The Doktor's research was quite extensive, and you need to shut down his project entirely. Take out 5 Solar Collection Stations, 3 Goblin Miners and 2 Infernal Bulks.
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Into the Inferno
Into the Inferno Simon, you are to be commended. You've single-handedly stopped Doktor Kobaldstein's research project, and given us data that should help us turn the tide on other fronts. The threat isn't entirely eliminated though, Diablo and his faction still remain. You'll have plenty of time to rest before we send you out to finish the job though, you've more than earned it. Oh, before I forget, take this. It's a special item granted to very few, use it with pride, Constable Simon.
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Cleaning House
Cleaning House You walk into Earthforce HQ, and are greeted with a firm handshake by Constable McIntyre. "Welcome back, I trust you enjoyed your break? Good, now lets get down to business. Without the good doktor, the Infernal Faction has lost some of its resolve, but it'll take a lot more than just that to break their will. We sent scouts out and it seems they're still gearing up for an attack, Infernal Cells or not". Constable McIntyre walks over to a water cooler and gets a quick drink. He clears his throat and continues. "I'm not going to lie to you Simon, this is going to be dangerous, very dangerous. You need to stage a full scale attack on the Infernal Faction, solo. We can't offer any back-up right now, we just got hit again by the Blue, but we can't delay this attack either, it's too risky. If you don't want to do this, HQ will understand, but this is most desperate hour. Help us Simon, you're our only hope". * Credits given: 7000000 * Experience given. Summary Time to work your way to Diablo, but there is an entire faction in your way. I guess you'll have to take 'em out. Kill 7 Inferno, 4 Goblin and 1 Doom Guard in Infernal Tempest.
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Cleaning House
Cleaning House I can't beleive it, but you did it. Somehow you pulled it off, and now the Infernal Faction is on it's knees, so it's time to behead it. Once we cut Diablo from the picture, the faction will fracture and the remnants will scatter, and sol should be finally safe. HQ will plan the final attack immediately, so get back here soon for the breifing. I have to say it, Simon, you're one hell of an officer.
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Fragment the Faction (Constable)
Fragment the Faction (Constable) With the rest of the faction still crippled from your last blow, the path to the leader is wide open. Recon shows that he's holed up in Diablo's Inferno, so you need to head there and take him out. Before you go though, we have some valuable information on Diablo we think you should know. Diablo flies a specially modified Cleft Thorn heavy fighter. His ship has extreme resistance to quite a few damage types, but his hull can be breached if you hit him with the proper weapons. Finally, watch out, he has very deadly close and long range attacks, and all of them draw their power from suns. HQ advises that you pack some heat shields and don't be suprised if you get burned. You've done very well up to now, I expect you'll continue your excellent work, good luck Simon. * Credits given: 20000000 * Experience given. * Reward: Constable Summary It's nearly finished, only Diablo remains, and it's time to take him out. Head to Diablo's Inferno, and send him to his own personal hell.
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Fragment the Faction (Constable)
Fragment the Faction (Constable) Simon, Sol is safe once again, and it's all thanks to your tireless efforts. Earthforce couldn't have done it without you, and we're extremely greatful. To honor your service of Earthforce, I've been cleared to give you this, a very special ship granted to only the best of Constables. I can't think of anyone better to give it to myself, and you should be proud you've earned it. Fly this in your quests to further enforce justice throught the universe, for you are truely a Constable now Simon.
Constable's Aid
Location: Earthforce Headquarter, Sol
- Agent: Constable McIntyre
- Mission: Fragment the Faction (Constable's Aid)
Fragment the Faction (Constable's Aid) With the rest of the faction still crippled from your last blow, the path to the leader is wide open. Recon shows that he's holed up in Diablo's Inferno, so you need to head there and take him out. Before you go though, we have some valuable information on Diablo we think you should know. Diablo flies a specially modified Cleft Thorn heavy fighter. His ship has extreme resistance to quite a few damage types, but his hull can be breached if you hit him with the proper weapons. Finally, watch out, he has very deadly close and long range attacks, and all of them draw their power from suns. HQ advises that you pack some heat shields and don't be suprised if you get burned. You've done very well up to now, I expect you'll continue your excellent work, good luck Simon. * Credits given: 20000000 * Experience given. * Reward: Constable's Aid Summary It's nearly finished, only Diablo remains, and it's time to take him out. Head to Diablo's Inferno, and send him to his own personal hell.
Laboratory Research (Repeatable)
Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest
- Agent: Deep Orange
- Mission: Laboratory Research
Laboratory Research *SUBMIT ACCESS CODES. Welcome Simon, access to the masters laboratories granted.* You enter the sterile room and quickly walk over to a desktop monitor. *Infernal Cell fabrication, a process designed by the master. Reagents required: 7 units of Solar Radiation. 3 units of Xeno Isotopes. Catalyst: 3 units of Neutron Rods. All reagents can be found surrounding the Inferno. Return with reagents and automated systems will fabricate Power Cells. Reagents are extremely unstable, time spent collecting reagents must be minimized. Simon TO ASTEROID FOUR* * Experience given. * Reward: Infernal Cell * Reward: Infernal Cell * Reward: Infernal Cell * Reward: Infernal Cell * Reward: Infernal Cell Summary Collect 7 units of Solar Radiation, 3 Neutron Rods and 3 Xeno Isotopes. Bring them to Deep Orange so it can fabricate Infernal Cells.
Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest
- Agent: Deep Orange
- Mission: Laboratory Research
Laboratory Research *Initiating fabrication. All bioforms are required to exit laboratory due to intense radiation.* You leave the lab and return when after it has be purged. *Reaction successful. 5 units of Infernal Cells have been fabricated. Radiation purged. Simon TO COLLECT CELLS. Simon TO LAB ONE*
Contructautomaton 4000
Once the initial mission has been done, the gear missions are unlocked.
Location: Alpha Research Station, Infernal Tempest
- Agent: Doktor Kobaldstein
- Mission: Constructautomaton 4000
Constructautomaton 4000 "Ich hab another task für du" says Doktor Kobaldstein as he scribbles formulas and calculations on a whiteboard. "Du hast seen that station in the asteroid field, ja? Ich hab constructed it in order zu build the equipment that the Inferal Faction requires. Currently though, it ist nicht functional. Für it zu vork, ich need du zu boot up its programming. Kannst du für mich das tun?"
* Experience given. Summary Doktor Kobaldstein needs you to boot up the Constructautomaton 4000. Deleiver the program disk to the Infernal Armory.
Location: Infernal Armory, Infernal Tempest
- Agent: Constructautomaton 4000
- Mission: Constructautomaton 4000
Constructautomaton 4000 *PROGRAM INITIATING... PERSONALITY CORE ONLINE. Constructautomaton 4000 online and functional. Welcome to the new user friendly fabrication plant, the Infernal Armory.*