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== Israel Hands ==
== Israel Hands ==
{| class="wikitable sortable" border="2" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="4"
|'''Mission Name'''
|'''Starting Location'''
|'''Ending Location
|'''Materials Needed'''
|Pirate's Training
|Tortuga Outpost, [[Tortuga]]
|Tortuga Outpost, [[Tortuga]]
|10 [[Scorched Trader Signet]]s
|1 Gold Dubloon
|Full Scale Piracy
|Tortuga Outpost, [[Tortuga]]
|Tortuga Outpost, [[Tortuga]]
|10 [[Scorched Trader Insignia]]s
|3 Gold Dubloon
|Setting a Sea Legend!
|Tortuga Outpost, [[Tortuga]]
|Tortuga Outpost, [[Tortuga]]
|10 [[Scorched Trader Badge]]s
|5 Gold Dubloon
===Pirate's Training===
===Pirate's Training===

Revision as of 10:50, 24 July 2010

Israel Hands

Mission Name Starting Location Ending Location Materials Needed Reward Prerequisites
Pirate's Training Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga 10 Scorched Trader Signets 1 Gold Dubloon none
Full Scale Piracy Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga 10 Scorched Trader Insignias 3 Gold Dubloon none
Setting a Sea Legend! Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga 10 Scorched Trader Badges 5 Gold Dubloon none

Pirate's Training

Location: Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga

  • Agent: Israel Hands
  • Missions: Pirate's Training
Pirate's Training

Ahh.. y'ave done well, but if yer ta be flyin' under tha Capt'n's colors, ya need ta do better than that.
Thar be a lot o' merchants roaming this universe and that means a bounty of swag ta be plundered from 'em.
Cirdan, if yer ta be a pirate, ya need ta cast off and start looting!
Bring back some proof that yer leaving destruction in yer wake and tha Capt'n should reward ya with some gold dubloons.
Ya can spend 'em on some upgrades when yer done, although I 'ear ya need some sort of chart to find out where. Well, off with ya now!

* Credits given: 100000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Gold Dubloon

Loot some merchants and bring Isreal proof of your piracy. Collect 10 Scorched Trader Signet.

Full Scale Piracy

Location: Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga

  • Agent: Israel Hands
  • Missions: Full Scale Piracy
Full Scale Piracy

Arrgh, seems you've done very well, and tha Capt'ns taken ya under 'is wing!
Ya may be good at piratin', but thar still be a lot of merchants roaming this universe and thar's still a fortune ta be made off 'em.
Cirdan, if yer ta be tha best pirate ta ever plunder, ya need ta cast off and start collecting even more booty!
Bring back some proof that yer leaving annihillation in yer wake and you'll find our gratitude. Well, shove off already!

* Credits given: 10000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Gold Dubloon
* Reward: Gold Dubloon
* Reward: Gold Dubloon

Loot more merchants and bring Isreal more proof of your piracy. Collect 10 Scorched Trader Insignia.

Setting a Sea Legend!

Location: Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga

  • Agent: Israel Hands
  • Missions: Setting a Sea Legend!
Setting a Sea Legend!

Well, seems yer tha new Capt'n, but that don't mean ya can sit back and relax!
Ya may be a king among pirates, but thar be so much left to be plundered that ya'd be a fool ta stop now!
Cirdan, yer nearly tha best there ever was, but ya can do better and ta do that ya need to set sail and pirate more than ever!
Bring back some proof that yer wickeder than tha devil 'imself and ya'll see our treasuries open. Well, shove off already!

* Credits given: 100000000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Gold Dubloon
* Reward: Gold Dubloon
* Reward: Gold Dubloon
* Reward: Gold Dubloon
* Reward: Gold Dubloon

Loot more merchants and bring Isreal more proof of your piracy. Collect 10 Scorched Trader Badge.

Chum the Navigator

Treasure Map!

Location: Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga

  • Agent: Chum the Navigator
  • Mission: Treasure Map!
Treasure Map!

Eh? So, ya got some dubloons from Isreal and ya can't find out where to use 'em? Hmm..
I was sure I 'ad a chart that could tell ya that, but with all the pirates 'round 'ere twas stolen no doubt.
When I 'ad it anyway, was nearly in pieces and I knew 'ow to take care o' a map.
By now the damnable swabbies 'round 'ere could 'ave it in shreds!
Well, 'ows this, if ya can find the pieces o' the map, I can do my best to put 'em back into something ya can use.
That sound square to you, Simon?

* Experience given.
* Reward: Somewhat Defragmented Holochart

Collect the 5 Holochart Fragments so Chum the Navigator can reassemble them into a usable map.
  • NOTE: Fragments Alpha and Beta can be found by mining, Delta and Gamma drop off the swabbies, and Epsilon spawns as a green debris to the west of the asteroid field.

Location: Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga

  • Agent: Chum the Navigator
  • Mission: Treasure Map!
Treasure Map!

Arrggh! This map's in sorer shape than ever, I 'ave it together 'as best I can, but ya'll need to do a bit more.
'Ere's the map back anyway, I got it together some. Ya might be able to do more with it if ya can find a Holochart Defragmenter.

Barbe Rouge

Barbe Rouge's Test

Location: Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga

  • Agent: Barbe Rouge
  • Mission: Barbe Rouge's Test
Barbe Rouge's Test

Ahoy there! What's this? So, ya want to be a pirate, eh? Well, I'll just see about that!
I'm not just letting any yellow bellied whelp into my crew, ya got to prove yerself first! Now, let's talk square.
'Ave ya heard of East Vindia? Aye, tis been a long while since I last raided it and by thunder,
I'm not letting those lubbers think they've seen the last o' me!
Simon, go to East Vindia and remind 'em that Captain Barbe Rouge is still as fearsome as ever!

* Experience given.

Head out to East Vindia and make those merchants tremble! Kill 5 NCC Bulk.

Location: Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga

  • Agent: Barbe Rouge
  • Mission: Barbe Rouge's Test
Barbe Rouge's Test

Harr har har, Simon! I'd ave given me good hand to see the look on Ismail's face when you came chargin in there.
You might 'ave what it takes after all! Be sure to head back here again Simon,
I might just 'ave something for ya to do if ya become a real pirate, so study up on our skills and ways.

Meeting Pirate Maboule

Location: Tortuga Outpost, Tortuga

  • Agent: Barbe Rouge
  • Mission: Meeting Pirate Maboule
Meeting Pirate Maboule

Ah, so yer back again are ya Simon? I may be a pirate but I'm an honest man, and true to my word, I 'ave more for ya to do.
The East Vindian Merchants, ya remember 'em? They be a might richer I'd like 'em to be,
and I think there's a thing to be done about that.
My mate Maboule 'as been getting real friendlylike with those damnable merchants, and I think 'e could use yer help doin' it.
Take this letter to him, it'll let 'em know yer with me. He'll 'ave ya busier than a tavern whore in no time!

* Credits given: 10000
* Experience given.

Go meet Pirate Maboule at his hideout in Handel's Cove and deliver Barbe Rouge's Letter to him.

Location: Maboule's Hideout, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: Pirate Maboule
  • Mission: Meeting Pirate Maboule
Meeting Pirate Maboule

Merci Simon, I think I can use your 'elp, and since ze Capitaine trust you, I hope I can trust you.
Come back later, and I'll 'ave something for you to do for sure.

Infiltrating Vindia

Location: Maboule's Hideout, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: Pirate Maboule
  • Mission: Infiltrating Vindia
Infiltrating Vindia

You are back Simon, and I now 'ave need of your 'elp. Ze merchant guild 'ere 'as made it, how you say,
more difficult to join because of the recent attacks. To make sure that you are Merchant, you must present Pirate Crests to join.
Now, I beleive it was you who made these attack, oui? Then is is only fair that it should be you who 'elp me with this.
Getting Crests is no petit task for me in this merchant ship, so you need to get them for me.
Now to obtain a crest, you must kill a pirate, and killing our own pirate would be très mal, no?
So you should probably kill Bleu Pirates to get crests, since we 'ave no connection to them.

* Experience given.

Collect 10 Pirate Crests and 5 Veteran Pirate Crests, they can be found on Blue Pirate Ships.

Location: Maboule's Hideout, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: pirate Maboule
  • Mission: Infiltrating Vindia
Infiltrating Vindia

Ah.. I trust you did not kill any of our pirate, only ze bleu scum in obtaining these.
Hopefully by now you make sense of my plan, oui? With these Simon, I get into ze Merchant Guild,
and take ze loot right under their noses. I still 'ave need of your 'elp, return 'ere when you are ready to give it.


Location: Maboule's Hideout, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: Pirate Maboule
  • Mission: Preparations

Merci again, Simon, due to your 'elp I am now a part of ze Vindia Merchant Guild,
and I 'ave found out about a new threat that could be très dangerous for me.
Ze Vindians have put up defenses to stop their enemies!
Simon, if I am to escape after ze robbery, something must be done about ze new defenses!

* Credits given: 10000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Cannon Mod

Weaken East Vindia's Defenses by destroying 4 of the merchants V'Ger Plasma Turrets. Bring back proofs of your deeds.

Location: Maboule's Hideout, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: Pirate Maboule
  • Mission: Preparations

Excellent Simon, now when I steal ze loot I should be able to escape ze merchant.
Only un more thing remain, ze coup de grace! Take this, ze Cannon Mod, it will help you in your next task.

Sacking of Vindia

Location: Maboule's Hideout, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: Pirate Maboule
  • Mission: Sacking of Vindia
Sacking of Vindia

Heh heh heh, it seem the time 'as come for us to strike ze coup de grace against those Vindian Merchant. From being in ze guild,
I learned that ze leader, Ismail, carries around ze most valuable loot personally, so we need to be sure we pirate 'is ship.
Aussie, there is an important trade going on, so all the merchants should have loot! You understand what you are looking for, oui?
Ah, then make sure you aquire the special goods, they are très important! Bonne chance Simon.

* Experience given.

Time for a full scale raid on Vindia! Kill Ismail, 3 NCC-Bulk, and steal the Vindian Trade Goods!

Location: Maboule's Hideout, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: Pirate Maboule
  • Mission: Sacking of Vindia
Sacking of Vindia

Oh, a job well done Simon, it show that you truely 'ave what it take to be a pirate. You got the loot, oui?
Ah, give it here and I give you a little bit for your troubles.

Back to Barbe

Location: Maboule's Hideout, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: Pirate Maboule
  • Mission: Back to Barbe
Back to Barbe

Oui, it had been so nice working with you Simon, with your 'elp things went très bien. I have un final thing for you to do now.
Ze Captaine require that I give him a share of the swag, and I think you have to report with him, oui?
Well, if you could take his share to him when you report you could, how you say, kill two ships with one missle.
You will? Ah, Merci Simon, merci!

* Credits given: 2500000
* Experience given.
* Reward: Corsair's Convertor

Return to Barbe Rouge, and deleiver his cut of the loot from the Vindian raid.

Location: Maboule's Hideout, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: Pirate Maboule
  • Mission: Back to Barbe
Back to Barbe

Mighty fine loot ya got there Simon, mighty fine!
Seems to me the raid paid off, and those damnable Vindians will think twice afor they cast off in our space! Ah yes, thats right!
Now that yer a member of my crew, yer entitled to a cut of the booty. 'Ere ya go.
Go 'ave some fun, ya earned it, and get back 'ere. When y'ave learned more about piratin' I'll 'ave more for ya to do!

Ben Gunn

Pirate's Mark

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Pirate's Mark
Pirate's Mark

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave! I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread? I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't.. Well, how about this then!
I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons! Maybe then I can buy something good to eat!
Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Pirate's Mark

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 10 Gold Dubloon, 3 Silver Bar, 3 Good Hostile Augmenter and 3 Good Aggravation Augmenter
and 1 for a Pirate's Mark so he can get a bite to eat. You will also need Barbe Rouge "recommendation" on this.

Location: Treasure Cave, Handel's Cove

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Pirate's Mark
Pirate's Mark

Oh, many thanks Simon, finally I can afford something decent to eat! Enjoy your Pirate's Mark.

Buccaneer's Radar

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Buccaneer's Radar
Buccaneer's Radar

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 3 Gold Dubloon, 1 Silver Bar
and a Swabbies Radar for Buccaneer's Radar so he can get a bite to eat.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master..
oh, ya don't.. Well, how about this then!
I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Buccaneer's Radar

0 / 3 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Swabbies Radar obtained
0 / 1 Silver Bar obtained

Buccaneer's Blunderbuss

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Buccaneer's Blunderbuss
Buccaneer's Blunderbuss

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 5 Gold Dubloon,
2 Silver Bar and a Swabbies Musket for Buccaneer's Blunderbuss so he can get a bite to eat.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master..
oh, ya don't.. Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Buccaneer's Blunderbuss

0 / 5 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Swabbies Musket obtained
0 / 2 Silver Bar obtained

Buccaneer's Topsail

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Buccaneer's Topsail
Buccaneer's Topsail

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 4 Gold Dubloon,
1 Silver Bar and a Swabbies Oar for Buccaneer's Topsail so he can get a bite to eat.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave! I been marooned here for ages and finally
someone's come to see me! 'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread? I've
'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time, 'twas all I could afford from that greedy station
master.. oh, ya don't.. Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some
shiny dubloons! Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!
* Experience given.
* Reward: Buccaneer's Topsail

0 / 4 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Swabbies Oar obtained
0 / 1 Silver Bar obtained

Buccaneer's Rum Keg

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Buccaneer's Rum Keg
Buccaneer's Rum Keg

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 5 Gold Dubloon,
1 Silver Bar and a Swabbies Kitchen for Buccaneer's Rum Keg so he can get a bite to eat.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't..
Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Buccaneer's Rum Keg

0 / 5 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Swabbies Kitchen obtained
0 / 1 Silver Bar obtained

Buccaneer's Cutlass

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Buccaneer's Cutlass
Buccaneer's Cutlass

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 5 Gold Dubloon,
1 Silver Bar and a Swabbies Dirk for Buccaneer's Cutlass so he can get a bite to eat.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave! I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't..
Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Buccaneer's Cutlass

0 / 5 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Swabbies Dirk obtained
0 / 1 Silver Bar obtained

Buccaneer's Buckler

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Buccaneer's Buckler
Buccaneer's Buckler

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 7 Gold Dubloon,
2 Silver Bar and a Swabbies Mop for Buccaneer's Buckler so he can get a bite to eat.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't..
Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Buccaneer's Buckler

0 / 7 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Swabbies Mop obtained
0 / 2 Silver Bar obtained

Swabbies Suntan

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Swabbies Suntan
Swabbies Suntan

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 1 Gold Dubloon and 1 Silver Bar for a Swabbies Suntan so he can get a bite to eat.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't..
Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Swabbies Suntan

0 / 1 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Silver Bar obtained


Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Stalker

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 25 Gold Dubloon,
5 Titanium Sheet and 5 Silver Bar and 1 Barbe Rouge's Letter of Recommendation for a Stalker so he can get a bite to eat.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't..
Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Stalker

0 / 25 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 5 Silver Bar obtained
0 / 5 Titanium Sheet obtained
0 / 1 Barbe Rouge's Letter of Recommendation obtained

Buccaneer's Cruiser

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Buccaneer's Cruiser
Buccaneer's Cruiser

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 50 Gold Dubloon,
5 Titanium Sheet and 5 Silver Bar for a Buccaneer's Cruiser so he can get a bite to eat.
You will also need Barbe Rouge "recommendation" on this.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't..
Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Buccaneer's Cruiser

0 / 50 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 5 Silver Bar obtained
0 / 5 Titanium Sheet obtained
0 / 2 Barbe Rouge's Letter of Recommendation obtained

Swabbie Shield

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Swabbie Shield
Swabbie Shield

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 1 Gold Dubloon
and 1 Silver Bar for a Swabbie Shield so he can get a bite to eat.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't..
Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Swabbie Shield

0 / 1 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Silver Bar obtained

Sangrenel Cannon

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Sangrenel Cannon
Sangrenel Cannon

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 5 Gold Dubloon,
2 Silver Bar and a Buccaneer's Blunderbuss for a Sangrenel Cannon so he can get a bite to eat.
You will also need Barbe Rouge "recommendation" on this.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't..
Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Sangrenel Cannon

0 / 5 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Buccaneer's Blunderbuss obtained
0 / 2 Silver Bar obtained
0 / 1 Barbe Rouge's Letter of Recommendation obtained

Barbe Rouge's Cannon

Location: Treasure Cave, Tortuga

  • Agent: Ben Gunn
  • Mission: Barbe Rouge's Cannon
Barbe Rouge's Cannon

Ben Gunn is hungry, trade him 10 Gold Dubloon,
5 Silver Bar and a Buccaneer's Blunderbuss and 1 Barbe Rouge's Letter of Recommendation for a Barbe Rouge's Cannon so he can get a bite to eat.
You will also need Barbe Rouge "recommendation" on this.

Aye? What's this? You've found my treasure cave!
I been marooned here for ages and finally someone's come to see me!
'Ave ya got a bit of cheese on ya perhaps, maybe a little bread?
I've 'ad nothing to eat but filthy rations all this time,
'twas all I could afford from that greedy station master.. oh, ya don't..
Well, how about this then! I'll trade ya some of my old gear for some shiny dubloons!
Maybe then I can buy something good to eat! Please, help a poor old sailor out!

* Experience given.
* Reward: Barbe Rouge's Cannon

0 / 10 Gold Dubloon obtained
0 / 1 Buccaneer's Blunderbuss obtained
0 / 5 Silver Bar obtained
0 / 1 Barbe Rouge's Letter of Recommendation obtained