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-Spawns with ? credits
-Spawns with ? credits
{| width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="2" class="wikitable sortable"
| align="center" | '''Level 25ish Roaming Spawns with this equipment:'''
*'''Etheral Laser'''
*'''Cadet Catapult'''
*'''Cadet Blocker'''
*'''Self Destructor'''
*'''Enzyme Thrust'''
*'''Hull Expansion'''
-Level 25ish Roaming Spawns with this equipment:
*Takes 2 slave slots.
*Ethereal Laser
*Cannot be captured.
*Cadet Catapult
*Cadet Blocker
*Self Destructor
*Enzyme Thrust
*Hull Expansion
-Takes 2 slave slots.
| align="center" | '''Cadet Crusher Level ? Roaming in Little Cadet Room Spawns with this equipment:'''
*'''Self Destructor'''
Cannot be captured.
*Cannot be captured.

Revision as of 17:51, 3 November 2009

Cadet firing Ethereal Laser

Training vessel for wannabe officers.

This is a good low tech starter ship. Can be bought in Cadet Academy and Enforcer Station in Sol.

Cadet Academy: 1,250,000 Credits


-Spawns with ? credits

To meet the quality standards of the Star Sonata Wiki, this ship page may require a list of the AI's Gear, or it has a list for one version, and needs a list for another version. For a list of all articles marked with this tag check out the category.

Level 25ish Roaming Spawns with this equipment:
  • Etheral Laser
  • Cadet Catapult
  • Cadet Blocker
  • Self Destructor
  • Enzyme Thrust
  • Hull Expansion
  • Scoop
  • Takes 2 slave slots.
  • Cannot be captured.
Cadet Crusher Level ? Roaming in Little Cadet Room Spawns with this equipment:
  • Self Destructor
  • Scoop
  • Cannot be captured.